GRAND MASTER’S MESSAGE Brothers, I hope that all is well with each of you. I am pleased to report to you that your Grand Lodge is moving in the right direction and that I could not be prouder to be a Mason in South Carolina! I have received several emails from Worshipful Masters letting me know of the outstanding work that their Lodges are doing. The reports are that Community Services are being performed with a great number of Brothers participating and that those Brothers are looking to do more. We are having many degrees that have been well attended, and the fellowship was wonderful. Brothers, with all the positive activities going on in our Grand Jurisdiction, we should all stop and reflect on the Brothers that are not including themselves in those activities. We should consider reaching out to any Brother that is in arears in his dues this year and communicate with him to find a solution to getting him current with his dues. We must not allow these Brothers to drop from the rolls of Free Masonry without speaking with them in a Brotherly matter and helping if needed. We have successfully completed this year’s District Instructional Meetings and these were well attended, but as always, we could do better with attendance. The instructions provided were presented in a very professional matter and well received. Opportunities were given for questions, and it was very interesting and engaging to be able to have the chance to field those questions and answers. Thank you for not trying to stump the Grand Master! The Worshipful Masters Workshop was held Feb. 3 at the Scottish Rite Center in Columbia, SC and I would like to say thank you again to the Brothers of the Columbia Valley and our Deputy to the Supreme Council for South Carolina, Illustrious Brother, Michael Broom, for allowing us to use the building. We had 357 total in attendance and a great number of Worshipful Masters totaling 205 of 265. I hope each Master was able to return to his Lodge with something that would help him in his duties as Master to better serve the Craft in his leadership role. Always, Worshipful Sirs, if at any time your Grand Lodge Officers can assist you, please let us know and we will do our best to assist. I look forward to seeing each of you at the upcoming events that are posted on the Grand Lodge Website Calendar. Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Annual Communication of your Grand Lodge to be held in North Charleston on April 25th and 26th, 2024. Brothers, it has been a great honor to serve you as Grand Master this year. Time flies when you enjoy what you are doing. I would like to say thank you for your support and warm welcome everywhere that I have been. Brothers, keep up the great job each of you are doing and continue to be the Masons we should be working to be, a better man each day. “Our Best Is The Least We Owe Each Other” Steven D. Hames Grand Master Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we all have a great 2024. Brothers, as we move into the new year, I hope we can say we did our best to be better men in 2023 and we will do more to be even better men in 2024. Congratulations to each of the new Lodge Officers. Thank you for your service and as we move into the roles of leadership, may we be found worthy in our duties. We should not take lightly the duties that we have obligated ourselves under. We all promised that we would fulfill all the duties appertaining to the office to the best of our ability. If there is anything we can assist you with, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our Instructional Meetings will start in January, and I hope to see you at these meetings. These meetings will be the best place to get the information needed to help you with the station or place you are serving in. There will be a Q&A section in the meetings, so please write your questions down so that you do not forget them and if you desire, give the list to your MEC or DDGM where he will read those out and have the answer ready. We also have the Masters Workshop on Feb 3, 2024 at the Scottish Rite Center in Columbia, SC starting at 8am. We should finish up around 12 noon. The Grand Masters Perpetual Life Membership Raffle has been completed. The Lodge that was the lucky Lodge to be drawn out was Taylors Lodge 345 and the Brother who was drawn was Brother Richard Kirby from Benton Lodge 26 in Timmonsville, SC. Thank you for supporting the First Annual Perpetual Life Raffle. We are working on the next raffle to be bigger and better so stay tuned in for coming information on details. Lady Toni and I were honored to represent our Grand Lodge, December 16, 2023 at the 87th Annual Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas (South Carolina won the game 24 to 0). Congratulations to all the young men that represented their state in the game. “Our Best Is The Least We Owe Each Other” Steven D. Hames Grand Master My Brothers, First, I would like to thank you for electing and installing me as your Grand Master for the ensuing year. Never in a million years would I have believed that I would be serving you the Craft of South Carolina as Grand Master once again. As all of you know, this has been a most difficult two years… with the lack of communication from the Grand East the first nine (9) months after the installation of our Past Grand Master and then the Pandemic comes along causing all Lodges to close by order of the Governor. I believe that during this period of time, the Craft has lost faith and trust in our Grand Lodge. My Brothers, that is now in the past. I know it will be hard to forget all that happened during those two years, but in order for us to go forward, let’s just say “This is day one in a new era; we will be “OK.” I pledge to you there will be open communication from the Grand Master’s Office. I will meet you on the level and listen to you. We may not agree on everything, but we will agree to disagree at the end. I remember just as all of you something we hear every time we meet. “Harmony is the chief strength and support of all regular institutions, but more especially this of ours.” Brothers, without harmony in our Lodges and Grand Lodge, nothing is going to change. I feel that you, the Craft, have lost trust in your Grand Lodge and the Elected Line. We want to earn that trust back. As Most Worshipful Jack Marler, PGM has said over and over in the past, it is important to be a TEAM. Your new TEAM is going to work extremely hard to earn your trust back, therefore we need to know what you need from us. Call, text, email or just catch us as we travel around. TRUST! You will hear that word often over the next year. You may be wondering about my Grand Master’s Pins. I could not order them until after the election at Grand Lodge. They should be delivered during the middle of June. I will make sure that your District Deputy Grand Master gets them as soon as they arrive. The message on the pin reads, “Working Together – Making A Difference.” My Brothers, I am asking you to work with us as we work to make the future of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, AFM better not only for ourselves, but for all of those that will be coming after us. Fraternally, Ronald C. Mitchum Grand Master GRAND MASTERS MESSAGE WHERE ARE WE NOW! A journey begins with a destination in mind or a goal to achieve. My journey to the Grand East began in 2010, when several Past Grand Masters asked me to consider offering for Junior Grand Warden, but at age of 51, I was not in a position to consider such a prestigious office. I continued to serve on committees and actively support my Lodge, Grand Lodge and the Scottish Rite, where I was serving as Sovereign Grand Inspector General for the 7th year. By 2012, I had numerous young Masons, who witnessed the positive changes that we were and still are experiencing in the Scottish Rite, approach me from all parts of the Jurisdiction to consider offering as Junior Grand Warden. After listening to my Brethren, and serious discussion with my family, personal discussion with all the Past Grand Masters, Lynn and I began what has been a wonderful journey. This is and has always been about serving the best interests of the Brethren and Freemasonry in South Carolina and to improve the experience of our members. From my years of experience in business and The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, I have found opportunities to research, discuss, and most importantly, to listen to the Craft about where we are and the roadmap to a brighter and better future for those men that join, engage in and eventually, lead the Craft. I have witnessed many wonderful things on this journey from the promise of a family at a Lewis Degree for infant sons of Master Masons, to the generosity of South Carolina Freemasons at home and in the support of other Jurisdictions of so many in need, to the great joy of visiting Veterans in all of our VA locations in for a friendly handshake, prayer and humble gift to just say thank you for their service, to the hard work of Grand Jurisdictions that are literally fighting for their recognition, to the grandeur of the established Ritual and Ceremony when I see excellent Ritual at home and other Jurisdictions. I have had the honor of visiting with grieving widows and families at the death of some of our Brethren, laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, visiting and touring Gettysburg Battlefield and visiting many with many great Lodges and presenting George Washington Portraits. Sadly, I have seen and spoken to men who have lost their way, and unfortunately, far too many that decided by their selfish motivation to tarnish the very core of our Brotherhood, through their total disregard for their obligations and their Brethren. I have seen where the complacency of leaders has led to discouragement and disgust of members that has led to their decision to leave our beloved Craft. Most often, it is related miscommunication or poor leadership. The leadership gap that some of our Fraternity is experiencing comes from members who want status, presumed power and inexperience. This comes from misguided and even a total misunderstanding of what it takes to be a true Freemason and Servant Leader of our Fraternity. I am deeply concerned for our Fraternity, when I see men who have gained leadership roles, when their actions and personal bias has shattered the true meaning of Masonic Brotherhood. So Where ARE We Now! We are much better off today than just a few short years ago because of several initiatives that have been emphasized for several years including improved membership awareness, improved Lodge management tools, improving Masonic Education, and a new spirit of hope and success. In most parts of the Family of Freemasonry in South Carolina, true leaders, who have listened and studied, are now more aware of the issues facing our Fraternity including membership engagement, listening and working to improve communication with all the members, and thus improving the VALUE of membership rather than simply talking about financial problems all the time. After all, isn’t Brotherhood about supporting one another and taking time to celebrate our faith, fellowship and our successful actions with each other, the critical part of our beloved Fraternity. Value increases when all members feel and know that they are an important part of the success of our Fraternity! All of Freemasonry, including our Appendant Bodies and Lodges, benefits by increasing membership value. If your Lodge chooses to improve value, then you must have serious discussion and civil debate to plot a course forward, instead of simply fading away. Today, we are much better off due to the tireless efforts of MW Gerald Carver and our Grand Lodge Staff, and Lodge Secretaries that have implemented our Membership Management Tools. Thank you, MW Brother Carver, for your passion for our Fraternity. We are now using the features to review, plan and prepare our Leadership to really “lead the Craft!” Today, our Worshipful Masters, Secretaries and Wardens have the capability to connect with all members and to examine what needs to be done to improve their individual needs. But like all tools, used properly, they can improve the results of work. Used improperly or neglected, they will be of little or no use to those that have access to the tools. Are you listening to your members? Are you even trying to reach them? We see in many places a renewed spirit and enthusiasm for our Fraternity because those that are using the tools are seeing results from listening and moving forward by implementing better meetings, better outreach to members and more visibility in our communities. Finally, Gentlemen, my time as your Grand Master has come to a close, and it has been my strong belief, indeed, my commitment to the Craft that we must look to the future so as to prepare for success. We need to be cautious and guarded to make certain that we are working together. Treasure your membership and take a positive approach to moving forward! We have many issues facing us in the coming days, Stand Tall for what is right! Stand Tall against those that do not have the best interest of the Fraternity at heart. Eliminate fear of change by doing the work to plan based on facts and not just emotion. It has been the honor of my life to serve Freemasonry, now and in the future as well. Remember “It is not how much a man or person may know that is important, as much as the purpose for which he knows it.” (MW T. Harry White, Grand Master) Thank you, my Brethren all and may God Bless Freemasonry in South Carolina! Sincerely and fraternally, Michael Smith, Grand Master GRAND MASTERS MESSAGE The Future IS Now! PLANNING FOR SUCCESS! As we begin the new Masonic year, it is THE BEST TIME to examine the status of your Lodge, address the issues facing your Lodge and prepare a plan for success. As previously stated, I believe that fear is the most crippling attitude that must be addressed before our Lodges can really progress and increase the value of membership. Often Lodges are crippled by fear of trying new things. Over the past several years the Grand Lodge Officers have consistently promoted several key initiatives from our research and study. Several Masonic Lesson Plans over the last 4 years under the banner of the LODGE OF THE FUTURE, have shown proven ways to, improve Ritual Quality, increase Member Communication, add meaningful Masonic Educational programs, develop a realistic financial plan or budget plan not only for 2019 but for the next 5 years so that you can take steps now to protect your Lodge, and finally how to become active in the community. Members and men in the community can see the difference that Freemasonry makes in the lives of our members and highlight who and what Freemasonry does for others! Many Lodges are addressing their issues and are seeing real progress. More members attending meaningful meetings, adding new member with better and meaningful ritual being taught, improved communications with members, improved financial status, and regaining a meaningful place in our communities. Unfortunately, many of those that have not seriously addressed these issues are struggling to keep their Lodges open. After all, the primary role of a Lodge is to make Freemasons, not just put on degrees but make Freemasons! As of this writing we have 52 Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction that have not raised a candidate in over 2 years or more! Only 4 Districts do not have any Lodges on this list! In order to become a place where members, both old and young, want to come and participate, we have to get our house in order. This means addressing those items that directly impact the members. Complacency is our number one issue. Choose not to be complacent! It will take work and working together! EMBRACING THE YEAR TOGETHER! As we all begin our new year, with our officers taking their respective leadership roles in our Lodge, it is important that we take time to plan for this year! Will it be better that last year? Will our Lodge make a difference to our existing members? Prepare by reviewing the “Lodge of the Future” series of Lesson Plans and Lodge Education Topics, you may find these at under the Resources Tab. Use these for enhanced education. Gather and analyze your Lodge data with your officers to plan a course of action and establish a vision and pathway for your Lodge success. Our Lodges have made a great impact in 2018 with support of Disaster Relief of members and Lodges in South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida. Our Veterans visitations and gift project was outstanding with gifts and supplies to 3 of our Veterans Units. We have visited 4 units and one more to the Richard Johnson VA Hospital in planning for 2019. Brethren, thank you! Our Grand Lodge office and Museum have had dramatic improvements this year! We have had several degrees held in the Grand Lodge this year and I had the distinct honor to present the MM Lecture in our Grand Lodge in 2018. It is YOUR Grand Lodge and Museum, please schedule a visit and tour, get dispensation to hold a degree or regular meeting. Consider a District Meeting at your Grand Lodge! You will be well pleased and honored! Your Grand Lodge office and staff, MW Bro Gerald Carver, Grand Secretary, MW Bro. Jack Marler, Grand Treasurer, Ms. Debbie Morrell, Ms. Connie Bennett and Wor. Bro. Pete Bailey are the best and work so hard to support our Lodges and members. Many committeemen, and your Grand Lodge officers are working hard to serve the craft and are to be congratulated for their vision and support. Finally, Gentlemen, my time as your Grand Master is rapidly coming to a close, and it has been my strong belief, indeed my commitment to the Craft that we must look to the future so at to prepare for success. History clearly demonstrates that success comes from preparation, understanding and practice. Many great Freemasons have passed through your doors. Our members will engage when we create, prepare and share goals for your Lodge and work to accomplish those goals. I am certainly convinced that when our members feel as if they are important to the success of the Lodge, then we can succeed because we choose to work together. See the Lesson Plan which reviews the key initiatives for your review and study! Or call or email me directly and I will forward to your attention! Michael Smith, Grand Master, [email protected] or call at 864-680-0966. “If you want people to play like champions, we must expect them to prepare like champions and to treat them as champions.” MASONIC EDUCATION LESSON PLAN NUMBER 10 JUMP STARTING THE NEW MASONIC YEAR BACKGROUND: Planning for Success ISSUES: Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. NEEDS: Engagement of Your Member with a Vision for Success. APPLICATION: Planning for 2019 Success and Implementation Step One: Officer Engagement and Alignment – Worshipful Master Worshipful Master, you should plan a meeting with your 2019 officers as quickly as possible to discuss the key issues facing your Lodge and determine the priorities for 2019. a. Operational Excellence. Is your Lodge operating and on budget. b. What are the pressing needs for the Lodge Stability / Success? c. Are your Officers ready to confer our Ritual properly? d. Are you capable of reaching all your members today? e. Is your Lodge ready to support Community Projects? Step Two: Set the Plan for your Lodge and Plan your Calendar for 2019. a. Key Project Committees b. Key Event Planning and Committees c. How will you motivate and inspire your members d. Set the Craft to Work – Work for Excellence! Step Three: Communicate your 2019 plan with ALL of your members. Let them know the key items, events and calendar for your year. Plan and communicate your Educational programs and special family events for you Lodge and get members involved and engaged. Committees work well to create engagement. Step Four: Report and Recognize your success and celebrate those that help accomplishment. King Solomon delegated to other leaders to accomplish the task. You will be successful with the cooperation and working with other. Finally It’s ALL about the members and the harmony of the Lodge. Do what is right for your Lodge members, even if it is difficult and you will accomplish your Goals and make a difference in 2019. May God Bless you and your Lodge in this important endeavor! |
Grand Master
Messages from our Grand Master Archives
April 2024
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