As you celebrated Christmas, I hope you remembered the “Reason for the Season”…the Birth of our Savior. Sometimes we forget when we are so busy finding those special gifts for our loved ones, all the baking of good foods to be enjoyed, the musical programs we attend and decorating our homes and yards. Christmas is a season of giving. It is a joyous time of the year.
As you know, my New Year didn’t start off so well with my fall on New Year’s Day. Since I have been homebound, I have had time to reflect on what is really meaningful in my life and the many wonderful blessings I have. Jeanne has been a good nurse. My Brothers have been so good in providing a wheel chair and a walker for my use, repairing my security camera at the front door of our home (the cause of my fall) and giving me other help. They have really lived up to what the Fraternity stands for. I also appreciate all the calls, cards, inquiries, and especially your prayers and every expression of love and care in my behalf. It means so much to Jeanne and me to know how much we have been blessed with so many good friends.
I hope to be able to be with you at the Masters’ Workshop at the end of this month with the help of some of the Brothers who have volunteered to chauffeur me. I continue to be amazed at your generosity. Words can’t express my appreciation for all you have done and continue to do for me and Masonry.
I hate that I have had to miss the Instructional Meetings in the Districts this month but I truly appreciate the Brothers stepping up to fill in for me.
As we stand on the threshold of this New Year, I hope 2016 will be a year filled with many privileges and opportunities to serve our fellowman. We will be attending Grand Lodge functions and local Lodge meetings. April will be a busy month as we plan for upcoming Grand Lodge Communication to be held in Greenville at The Embassy Suites Hotel in Greenville. I hope to see all of you Brothers there.
William B. Rogers
Grand Master