Grand Masters Address
It is a distinct honor and privilege to serve our beloved Fraternity in any leadership position. I recognize that leadership has always been based upon the respect given by the membership if for only a short time. Leadership, in any case, is always accompanied by the responsibility to act on behalf one’s peers and to act in the best interest for all.
Most Worshipful T. Harry White once shared, “It is not how much a man may know that is important, as much as, the purpose for which he knows it.” This has always resonated with me in my Masonic Journey and one of several important realizations that I have gained from great Freemasons that have influenced me.
I have observed those great Freemasons that I follow in the office of Grand Master. These Brothers acted in the best interest of the Craft, as they faced the issues and challenges of the day. Having working with all of our Living Past Grand Masters, they all share the passion for Freemasonry and work for the craft. They have earned a place in history for their effort. I continue to be amazed by their great influence and labor for the craft.
Yet I am even more amazed and excited by the future of Freemasonry, because of the opportunity we have to make a difference in the world, but most importantly, among our newest members and future members. Freemasonry needs to be an integral part of the communities in which we labor.
I am, indeed, humbled and honored to have been elected and installed as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina. I promise that I will pray, listen, consider and evaluate the decisions that come to the Office of the Grand Master. I will work to address the issues that we face as a Fraternity. It will take work and faith in each other! By working together, we can create great opportunity for our gentle craft to in service to our members, communities and the world. We make a difference where we are!
I have been asked to comment on my Grand Mastered lapel pin. I was inspired to by the great lesson of the Five Points of Fellowship. When studied, all of us can benefit by the great lessons that can be gained from the rich meaning from our ritual instruction. The Blazing Star represents many things, the Five Points of Fellowship, the Da Vinci image of the Vitruvian Man, the elegant geometric proportion use to deliver the beautiful reminder of the Spiritual part of man that is found in each of us. The Hebrew letter Hei, found in the center of the star represents both the numerical value of 5 and also alludes to the ineffable name of God as we further pursue truth and light.
Brethren, so let us work together to elevate and improve the Freemason’s experience in our Fraternity, and in so doing elevate the Fraternity. It is up to each member to commit and work to improve our own experience by study. Better Ritual, Better Fellowship and Better Education.
I look forward to the opportunity to serve with those of you that want to better our Fraternity!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Michael D. Smith, Sr.