Steven D. Hames – Grand Master
Steven Dewayne Hames was born in Kings Mountain, NC on May 22, 1963, to Nevils and Sue Hames of Blacksburg. He has two brothers Ronald and Christopher. The family moved to Blacksburg, SC when Steve was 3. Steve married Toni January 2001 and has two daughters Macy and Candice, son in law Christopher Sneed and granddaughter Whitley. He attended public school in Blacksburg where he graduated from Blacksburg High School in 1981. After high school Steve enlisted in the US Army where he served four years as a Paratrooper with the 27th Engineer Battalion at Fort Bragg, NC. He was awarded two Meritorious Achievement Citations and was honorably discharged. After his discharge Steve was employed by Daimler Corporation with the Freightliner Truck Manufacturing Plant where he retired after 25 years of service.
In 2011 Steve graduated from Spartanburg Community College with a degree in Industrial Maintenance Technology.
Steve is currently employed with the Town of Blacksburg where he is the Water Treatment Superintendent and Lab Director.
Steve is a member of Clearview Baptist Church where he has served as a Sunday School Teacher, Usher, and a Choir member.
Brother Steve is a 3rd generation Mason. He was raised on April 1, 2005, to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason in Buffalo Lodge No. 202 located in Blacksburg, SC where he is a Perpetual Life Member. He served Buffalo Lodge No. 202 as Worshipful Master in 2009-10 and again in 2010-2011. Brother Steve is a certified Entered Apprentice Lecturer.
Right Worshipful Brother Steve was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 22nd Masonic District in 2013 by Most Worshipful Brother David DeChant. He has served our Grand Lodge as a committeeman on the Masonic Education and Audit committees.
Right Worshipful Brother Steve was elected Junior Grand Warden on April 28, 2017, Senior Grand Warden on April 26, 2019 and Deputy Grand Master on April 23, 2021
In 2019, Most Worshipful Michael D. Smith Sr. awarded Brother Steve with the Frederick Dalcho Certificate of Merit, the second highest award that the Grand Master can give. In 2022, Most Worshipful Ronald C. Mitchum awarded Brother Steve with the Albert Gallatin Mackey Medal, the highest award given to a Mason in South Carolina.
Companion and Sir Knight Steve is a member of Gaffney York Rite Bodies where he served as Excellent High Priest, Illustrious Master, and Eminent Commander. He has served the Grand Chapter, Grand Council and Grand Commandery of South Carolina as an appointed officer in everybody. In 2013 Brother Steve was awarded the highest award given by The General Grand Council, “The Cryptic Mason of the Year” by Most Illustrious Grand Master, Gary “Buck” Jolley.
Brother Steve is a member of Columbia and Rock Hill Valleys of Scottish Rite and Past Venerable Master of Rock Hill Valley. In 2019 he was invested with the rank and distinction of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor.
Brother Steve is a member of the following Appendant Bodies, 22nd District Master and Wardens Club, 22nd,23rd,24th Tri District Square and Compass Club, AMD Council 262, Knight Mason Council 20, Royal & Select Masters Council 23, Holy Order of Anointed High Priest of South Carolina, Thrice Illustrious Masters of South Carolina, Knights Crusaders of the Cross, Knight York Cross of Honor Priory 54, Red Cross of Constantine, Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Foederatis, Tall Cedars of Lebanon Forest 206, Hejaz Shrine, Cherokee Shrine Club and Ruth Chapter 12 Order of Eastern Star.