Union Lodge No. 75 AFM
Union Lodge No. 75 AFM
The warrant of this lodge was granted December 16, 1850, but, from not having been officially applied for, it was not until November 1, 1853 that it was issued. The lodge had, however, been at work since January 17, 1851. Mackey's History of Freemasonry in South Carolina, 1861 Stated Meeting: Third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM Lodge Secretary RW Dean Tollison, PDDGM 1957 Jonesville Hwy. Union, SC 29379 864-426-3448 We are located at 805 S Duncan Bypass, Union, SC 29379 (intersection of Boyce St) Mackey's History of Freemasonry in South Carolina
Brother B.F. Arthur, late Master of Union 75, has kindly supplied me with the following information: “A lodge was organized in this town in 1818. I have, in the archives of my lodge the Charter of this lodge dated December 26, 1818, in which Zachariah Reid is WM, Richard Humphries, SW, and A.W. Thompson, JW. This lodge was abandoned about 1829. The minutes are in the possession of Lodge 75, and the last records made on October 5, 1829. No authentic information can be obtained as to the cause of its extinction. There is a tradition, however that political causes produced its dissolution. |
Union 75 AFM shares its building with the Union York Rite Bodies.