April 24, 2015
Grand Master MWB William B Rogers Acceptance Speech
When I began my Masonic career, I never dreamed that I would be standing here today as your Grand Master. Thank you for the confidence you’ve place in me by electing me to the highest office in this Grand Jurisdiction. As with previous Grand Masters I have many new thoughts, goals and ideas that I believe will improve Masonry in our great state. I’m anxious to begin working with each of you to reach my goals; however, I will need your help.
My main theme is "Spreading the Light." By this I mean that Masonic Education is a must in our Lodges and Rt. Wor. Mike Smith, Chairman of Masonic Education will be implementing this new program. It will be the responsibility of the Masonic Education Committeemen and District Deputy Grand Masters to present the program in Lodges in their districts. It has been one of the most neglected areas in our Fraternity. We have too many Brothers who don’t have any idea what we stand for or how the work should be performed. We believe Masonic Education will benefit our Grand Jurisdiction and all who attend these educational programs.
Another goal I have will be to help the Veterans in the four Veterans Centers in this State as the need arises. We owe a debt of gratitude to all our veterans and particularly those who are Masons; however, in doing so we are in no way to neglect any Veteran. Many of these Veterans don’t have family or friends to visit and take care of their needs and others are just neglected. This shouldn’t be. All of us like to feel loved and cared for and we should make an extra effort to help with the needs of our Veterans.
As we begin a new year with great expectations we can be assured of one thing and that is "The best is yet to be". We all have dreams and when we are brave enough to follow them we will almost always discover something of value and if the dream is about our great fraternity we will certainly benefit.
Life is full of changes and we all have the power to change things around us. We should use it to our benefit. We could make one choice that dramatically changes our lives and everything surrounding us…Always approach every opportunity with an "I expect to win attitude." There are many opportunities within our great Fraternity and we need to identify those and approach each with the expectation of making our Fraternity what our forefathers perceived it to be and that is a place of concourse for good men and promoting harmony and brotherly love throughout the world until "Time Shall Be No More."
Finally, my brethren, as this association has been formed and perfected with so much unanimity and harmony, in which we greatly rejoice, so may it long continue. May kindness, brotherly love and affection distinguish our conduct as men and as Masons. May the Lord bless us, and prosper us; and may all our good intentions be crowned with success.
William B Rogers
Grand Master
Grand Master MWB William B Rogers Acceptance Speech
When I began my Masonic career, I never dreamed that I would be standing here today as your Grand Master. Thank you for the confidence you’ve place in me by electing me to the highest office in this Grand Jurisdiction. As with previous Grand Masters I have many new thoughts, goals and ideas that I believe will improve Masonry in our great state. I’m anxious to begin working with each of you to reach my goals; however, I will need your help.
My main theme is "Spreading the Light." By this I mean that Masonic Education is a must in our Lodges and Rt. Wor. Mike Smith, Chairman of Masonic Education will be implementing this new program. It will be the responsibility of the Masonic Education Committeemen and District Deputy Grand Masters to present the program in Lodges in their districts. It has been one of the most neglected areas in our Fraternity. We have too many Brothers who don’t have any idea what we stand for or how the work should be performed. We believe Masonic Education will benefit our Grand Jurisdiction and all who attend these educational programs.
Another goal I have will be to help the Veterans in the four Veterans Centers in this State as the need arises. We owe a debt of gratitude to all our veterans and particularly those who are Masons; however, in doing so we are in no way to neglect any Veteran. Many of these Veterans don’t have family or friends to visit and take care of their needs and others are just neglected. This shouldn’t be. All of us like to feel loved and cared for and we should make an extra effort to help with the needs of our Veterans.
As we begin a new year with great expectations we can be assured of one thing and that is "The best is yet to be". We all have dreams and when we are brave enough to follow them we will almost always discover something of value and if the dream is about our great fraternity we will certainly benefit.
Life is full of changes and we all have the power to change things around us. We should use it to our benefit. We could make one choice that dramatically changes our lives and everything surrounding us…Always approach every opportunity with an "I expect to win attitude." There are many opportunities within our great Fraternity and we need to identify those and approach each with the expectation of making our Fraternity what our forefathers perceived it to be and that is a place of concourse for good men and promoting harmony and brotherly love throughout the world until "Time Shall Be No More."
Finally, my brethren, as this association has been formed and perfected with so much unanimity and harmony, in which we greatly rejoice, so may it long continue. May kindness, brotherly love and affection distinguish our conduct as men and as Masons. May the Lord bless us, and prosper us; and may all our good intentions be crowned with success.
William B Rogers
Grand Master

April 24, 2015
In gratitude for our Veteran’s service, as Grand Master I am placing upon the trestle board a request that every Lodge in our Grand Jurisdiction support all of the four VA centers with an emphasis on the Richard Campbell Nursing Home in Anderson South Carolina.
I encourage each of you to unite and have a fund raising project. I assure you any contribution will be appreciated by your Grand Lodge and our veterans. I can think of nothing better than South Carolina Mason’s uniting to support the men and women who gave so much and asked nothing in return.
Checks should be made to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of South Carolina and mailed to:
The Grand Lodge of A.F.M. of South Carolina
P.O. Box 2185
Lexington, S.C. 29071-2185
In gratitude for our Veteran’s service, as Grand Master I am placing upon the trestle board a request that every Lodge in our Grand Jurisdiction support all of the four VA centers with an emphasis on the Richard Campbell Nursing Home in Anderson South Carolina.
I encourage each of you to unite and have a fund raising project. I assure you any contribution will be appreciated by your Grand Lodge and our veterans. I can think of nothing better than South Carolina Mason’s uniting to support the men and women who gave so much and asked nothing in return.
Checks should be made to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of South Carolina and mailed to:
The Grand Lodge of A.F.M. of South Carolina
P.O. Box 2185
Lexington, S.C. 29071-2185