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Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina |
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July 3, 2020 Most Worshipful Walter C. Disher, II, Grand Master of Masons in South Carolina has directed that a reminder be emailed/sent to all South Carolina Masonic Lodges and Appendant/Related Masonic Bodies that his May 29th Order, shown below, canceling all Masonic meetings and activities remains in effect until he issues a new order. Please be in prayer for our Brethren, our beloved Fraternity, our wonderful State, and our great Nation as we go through these most difficult times. May you and your family have a wonderful celebration of our Independence day tomorrow. Let us always remember that Freedom is only one generation away from extinction. Fraternally, Gerald “Jerry “L Carver, PGM, Grand Secretary May 29, 2020
To our Brethren in South Carolina, this updated information is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in our Grand Jurisdiction. Until further notice, IT IS MY CONTINUED ORDER THAT ALL MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS IN SOUTH CAROLINA remain suspended through the entire month of June. This ORDER will remain in effect until it is cancelled or updated. I have consulted numerous Past Grand Masters, Grand Lodge Officers, Lodge Officers, and Appendant Body Officers and members. The overwhelming majority of the Craft has said: “Grand Master, we all want to go back to our meetings but, for our safety, I think it is still too early.” I thank each one of you for your wise counsel. More than ever it is imperative that our Masonic families remain united. United we stand, divided we fall. I want to personally extend a “Thank You” to every Masonic organization in South Carolina that continues unwavering compliance to the Grand Master’s decision and Order in this Grand Jurisdiction. I have spoken with every Grand Master in the Southeastern Region. Each has serious challenges, under different rules in each state, but one thing is certain, we all have the interest and wellbeing of the Craft at the heart with every decision. I am convinced that we have not reached the COVID-19 bell curve or apex of cases or deaths in South Carolina. I hope and pray that the summer heat will cause the virus count to drop off at an accelerated rate. By my estimate, the cases of infection from Memorial Day weekend exposure will not be realized until at least the June 12-19th . As a reminder, no Lodge Hall is to be used during this time period. I have stopped several Lodge functions that Lodge members organized either through ZOOM Media, phone, or other venues. Brethren, as a reminder, it is a grave Masonic Offense, to conduct any irregular meeting or business during this time. I am asking the Worshipful Masters and Wardens to consider a plan for a reopening of your lodge in the near future. We are working on guidelines to help, but each Lodge has a different floor plan. What would you need to have in place for your Brethren to meet and observe social distancing? What supplies do you need to decontaminate your Lodge after each meeting? Please start getting some thoughts together for your plan. If circumstances change, we will communicate through Grandview postings, the official Grand Lodge Facebook page, and the Grand Lodge website. Your Grand Lodge Officers are working hard to secure a future date for our annual communication, and we thank you for your continued patience. Subordinate Lodges will NOT be penalized for their inability to meet until Grand Lodge has given clearance and all established government mandates in your area are discontinued. We will issue an update by July 1, 2020 or shortly after concerning the status. We recommend all Brethren follow health and safety guidelines or mandates issued by federal, state, and local governments in your particular area. All Brethren with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis or who have been exposed to someone with a confirmed diagnosis PLEASE SELF-QUARANTINE. Please stay in touch with local elderly Brethren, any Brother living alone, or any Brother with chronic health issues. Please realize that we do not need a large group of men together to help those in need. Individually we can wear our rings, shirts, and hats while assisting those in need in society. Lady Laura and I are praying for the health and safety of each of you, our state, nation, and world. Please do all that you can to prevent any further transmission of this virus. Please practice all safety precautions so we can soon live in the social setting we miss so much right now. Pray for our country and all of our leaders. Do good unto all and demonstrate the tenets we are taught within our sacred walls with those outside so they will see, know, and desire to be amongst us. May God continue to Bless our Craft, the state of South Carolina, and the United States of America. Respectfully and Fraternally, Walter C. Disher II – Grand Master April 29, 2020 To our Brethren in South Carolina, this updated information is in response to the 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19) in our Grand Jurisdiction. Until further notice, ALL MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS, EVENTS, AND GATHERINGS IN SOUTH CAROLINA will continue to be suspended throughout the entire month of May. If any circumstances change, we will communicate through Grandview postings, both Grand Lodge Facebook pages, and the Grand Lodge website. Your Grand Lodge Officers are working hard to secure a future date for our Annual Communication with the hotel. Thank you for your continued patience. We will issue an update before June 1, 2020, concerning future Masonic Lodge Meetings, Events, and Gatherings. We recommend that all Brethren follow health and safety guidelines or mandates issued by federal, state, and local governments in your particular area. All Brethren with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis or exposed to someone with a confirmed diagnosis PLEASE SELF-QUARANTINE. Please stay in touch with local elderly Brethren, any Brother living alone, or any Brother with chronic health issues. Lady Laura and I continue to pray for the health and safety of each of you, our state, nation, and world. In the near future, we will be together at our Lodges with a renewed spirit of the Craft. Until then, know that I love and miss each of you and look forward to that joyful day. May God continue to bless our Craft, the state of South Carolina, and the United States of America. Respectfully and Fraternally, Walter C. Disher II – Grand Master From our Grand Master as of 3/16/2020 IMPORTANT NEW UPDATE: PLEASE READ IN FULL March 16, 2020 To our Brethren in South Carolina, This “NOTICE” is in response to the Corona-virus (COVID-19) in our Grand Jurisdiction. Until further notice and due to Presidential, CDC Reports today, ALL MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS IN SOUTH CAROLINA are suspended for the remainder of the month of March. No Lodge will be penalized for not meeting until established government mandates in your area are discontinued. Please report all cancelled meetings to our Grand Secretary for recordkeeping. We will continue to seek government advice and you will be updated by April 1, 2020, concerning future Masonic events. Our Grand Lodge Communication scheduled for April 23rd and 24th 2020 in Myrtle Beach HAS NOT BEEN CANCELLED AS OF THIS TIME. Please stay tuned to the Grand Lodge System (Grandview) Postings, Emails, and the Grand Lodge Web-Site for future updates. Please do not cancel any room reservations at this time. You will have plenty of notice if the Annual Communication has to be rescheduled and the Grand Lodge Office will assist in cancelations at that time. Our Grand Lodge Officers and Committees are looking for future alternatives for our annual communication if such an issue should need to be addressed. We are recommending that you follow all guidelines and mandates issued by the President, Governor of South Carolina, CDC–Atlanta, South Carolina Emergency Management Division, and Local Governments in your particular area. All Brethren that have a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis or have been exposed to someone with a confirmed diagnosis should SELF QUARANTINE. All Brethren that are considered at-risk, elderly, or are currently ill should refrain from all gatherings. Please stay in touch with local elderly Brethren, any Brother living alone, or any Brother with chronic health issues. I have included health links below for information. We are taught the lessons of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. Now is the time and Here is the place for our world to know “Who We Are.” Lady Laura and I are praying for the health and safety of each of you, our state, and our country. May God continue to Bless our Craft, the state of South Carolina, and the United States of America. Respectfully and Fraternally, Walter C. Disher II – Grand Master SCDHEC Information https://scdhec.gov/…/viru…/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19 CDC Information https://www.cdc.gov/ South Carolina Emergency Management Division https://www.scemd.org/ Dear Brethren:
In Memory of Most Worshipful Brother G. Ray Marsh, PGM, Grand Secretary Emeritus, our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Walter C. Disher, II has ordered that every Lodge’s Charter and Altar be draped for the period from the Lodge’s next Regular Communication until the following Regular Communication. The following are the Funeral arrangements for Most Worshipful Brother Ray: Saturday, August 24, 2019 11:00 am Grand Master Disher with the assistance of the Grand Lodge Officers will open the Grand Lodge, Hiram Lodge No. 68, and Boyleston Lodge No. 123 on the Third Degree in the Hall of Hiram Lodge No 68 located at 118 E. Benson Street, Anderson, SC 29624. 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Visitation will be in the McDougald Funeral Home Chapel located at 2211 N. Main Street, Anderson, SC 29621. 3:00 pm The Funeral Service will be also be held in the McDougald Funeral Chapel located at 2211 N. Main Street, SC 29621. Following the Funeral Service, the Masonic Funeral Service and Entombment will be at Forest Lawn Memorial Park located at 2609 U.S Highway 29 North, Anderson, SC 29621. The Grand Master has asked that all Elected Grand Lodge Officers and Past Grand Masters wear Black Tails, with Black Vest and Black Bow Tie with white gloves and their apron and Jewels. District Deputy Grand Masters and Subordinate Officers are asked to wear Black Tuxedo with Black Vest or Cummerbund, and Black Bow Tie with white gloves, and apron and jewels. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations be made to the Grand Lodge Building Fund, P.O. Box 2185, Lexington, SC 29071 or Washington Street United Methodist Church, 1401 Washington Street, Columbia, SC 29201. Tomorrow, if you are planning to attend Most Worshipful Brother G. Ray Marsh's Funeral at the McDougald Funeral Chapel, there will be a separate stand with a sign in registry for Brother Masons. Be sure to sign the Registry designated for Brother Masons. Brethren,
It is with the deepest and profound sadness with which I report that our Beloved Brother G. Ray Marsh, Past Grand Master, Grand Secretary Emeritus passed away a few moments ago. He was one of the Great Pillars and Support of our Grand Jurisdiction and our Fraternity. He will be greatly missed by Brethren from around the World. Please uplift Mrs. Mary Ann in your prayers. More information concerning arrangements will be provided when they become available. Fraternally. Jerry Carver, PGM, Grand Secretary GRAND LODGE ANNUAL COMMUNICATION
The 282nd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina will be held on April 25th & 26th, at the Marriott Hotel located at 299 N. Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29606. Those desiring to stay at the Marriott Hotel, which is the Headquarters Hotel, are encouraged to make reservations as soon as possible since there is a limited number of rooms available. Elected Grand Lodge Officers, Appointed Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, and Committeemen are requested to stay at the Headquarters Hotel and to make their reservations promptly. Each person including Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, and Committeemen are responsible for making their own reservations. Reservations may be made by calling the Marriott Hotel at 864-596-1211. When calling, you must ask for group reservations and identify yourself as being with The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina (Code: LCGLC A for King Bed and GLCGLC B for Double Queen Bed) in order to obtain the special room rate of $159.00 plus tax per night. This will include Breakfast Tickets per person (up to two tickets per room) for each night reserved. The Religious Service will commence on Thursday, April 25th at 9:00 AM and will be conducted by Reverend and Right Worshipful A. Robert Nix, Grand Chaplain. Following the Religious Service, the Grand Lodge will be officially opened at 10:00 AM by Most Worshipful Michael D. Smith, Sr., Grand Master with the assistance of the Grand Lodge Officers and Brethren. The Annual Banquet will be held on Thursday, April 25th at 7:00 PM in the Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel. |
Official website for the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina - Copyright 2011 - 2025.
Photos and proprietary data on this site are the property of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, and may be not copied, printed, shared, used for commercial purposes, or displayed online without written consent, unless otherwise indicated. |