This is my last Masonic Light article as your Grand Master. I begin with mixed emotions as my time as your Grand Master is slowly coming to an end. I am sad because my term will soon be over. However, I am very thankful you gave me the opportunity to serve this Grand Jurisdiction as your Grand Master for the past two years. I will always have wonderful memories of the way you received me and of the many acts of kindness and courtesies extended to me as I traveled over this state visiting your Lodges. Also for the honor of representing The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina as I travelled to other Grand Jurisdictions for their Annual Communications. It was my privilege to meet and make friends with Brethren from many Jurisdictions in North America as I attended the Southeastern Masonic Conferences and Conferences of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries of North America for the past several years.
I want to thank the elected line officers: Rt. Wor. Michael D. Smith, Sr., Senior Grand Warden, Rt. Wor. Walter C. Disher II, Junior Grand Warden, M.W. Jack A. Marler, PGM and Grand Treasurer, M.W. Gerald L. Carver, PGM and Grand Secretary, and Rt. Wor. A. Robert Nix, Grand Chaplain for their support. Congratulations to Rt. Wor. Michael D. Smith, Sr., as he is elevated to the time-honored position of Grand Master. To the Subordinate Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters and Committeemen: thank you for your support these past two years. Also I want to thank Rt. Wor. Benny Hammond for his outstanding performance as my Grand Marshall and the times he accompanied me on my demanding travel schedule.
To M.W. Jerry Carver, PGM and Grand Secretary thank you for your wise counsel, advice and work performed for me. You were always there for me when I needed advice and counsel and I thank you for that.
To M.W. Jack A. Marler, PGM, Grand Treasurer for the assurances that the funds of the Grand Lodge are properly maintained.
To MW Ronald C. Mitchum, PGM, Chairman of Commission on Investments and Masonic Relief. Thank you for your expert advice and performance with the Grand Lodge Investments and assuring stability in the future. Also for your work with the Masonic Relief to ensure those receiving assistance were thoroughly investigated.
To our Past Grand Masters: MW Tommie Brant, MW G. Ray Marsh, MW Robert V. Pinkston, MW Samuel Tennyson, Sr., MW G. Kent Elkins, MW Barry A. Rickman, MW Jay A. Pearson and MW David J. DeChant, Sr. This Grand Lodge is fortunate to have a dedicated group of Brothers as you.
To all the Brethren who were always there when I needed a helping hand and prefer to remain anonymous. I know who you are and will always be indebted to you.
To Jeanne, my best friend, the love of my life and my wife: I can’t express in words my love and appreciation for your love and the sacrifices you made supporting me through the forty seven years I have been active in this Great Fraternity of Masonry. You have been so very encouraging and supportive every day.
Brethren, I look forward to our upcoming 280th Annual Communication to be held in Greenville, S. C. at the Embassy Suites Hotel on April 27th -28th 2017. I sincerely hope to see you there.
William B. Rogers
Grand Master
This is my last Masonic Light article as your Grand Master. I begin with mixed emotions as my time as your Grand Master is slowly coming to an end. I am sad because my term will soon be over. However, I am very thankful you gave me the opportunity to serve this Grand Jurisdiction as your Grand Master for the past two years. I will always have wonderful memories of the way you received me and of the many acts of kindness and courtesies extended to me as I traveled over this state visiting your Lodges. Also for the honor of representing The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina as I travelled to other Grand Jurisdictions for their Annual Communications. It was my privilege to meet and make friends with Brethren from many Jurisdictions in North America as I attended the Southeastern Masonic Conferences and Conferences of Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries of North America for the past several years.
I want to thank the elected line officers: Rt. Wor. Michael D. Smith, Sr., Senior Grand Warden, Rt. Wor. Walter C. Disher II, Junior Grand Warden, M.W. Jack A. Marler, PGM and Grand Treasurer, M.W. Gerald L. Carver, PGM and Grand Secretary, and Rt. Wor. A. Robert Nix, Grand Chaplain for their support. Congratulations to Rt. Wor. Michael D. Smith, Sr., as he is elevated to the time-honored position of Grand Master. To the Subordinate Grand Lodge Officers, District Deputy Grand Masters and Committeemen: thank you for your support these past two years. Also I want to thank Rt. Wor. Benny Hammond for his outstanding performance as my Grand Marshall and the times he accompanied me on my demanding travel schedule.
To M.W. Jerry Carver, PGM and Grand Secretary thank you for your wise counsel, advice and work performed for me. You were always there for me when I needed advice and counsel and I thank you for that.
To M.W. Jack A. Marler, PGM, Grand Treasurer for the assurances that the funds of the Grand Lodge are properly maintained.
To MW Ronald C. Mitchum, PGM, Chairman of Commission on Investments and Masonic Relief. Thank you for your expert advice and performance with the Grand Lodge Investments and assuring stability in the future. Also for your work with the Masonic Relief to ensure those receiving assistance were thoroughly investigated.
To our Past Grand Masters: MW Tommie Brant, MW G. Ray Marsh, MW Robert V. Pinkston, MW Samuel Tennyson, Sr., MW G. Kent Elkins, MW Barry A. Rickman, MW Jay A. Pearson and MW David J. DeChant, Sr. This Grand Lodge is fortunate to have a dedicated group of Brothers as you.
To all the Brethren who were always there when I needed a helping hand and prefer to remain anonymous. I know who you are and will always be indebted to you.
To Jeanne, my best friend, the love of my life and my wife: I can’t express in words my love and appreciation for your love and the sacrifices you made supporting me through the forty seven years I have been active in this Great Fraternity of Masonry. You have been so very encouraging and supportive every day.
Brethren, I look forward to our upcoming 280th Annual Communication to be held in Greenville, S. C. at the Embassy Suites Hotel on April 27th -28th 2017. I sincerely hope to see you there.
William B. Rogers
Grand Master