First, I would like to thank you for electing and installing me as your Grand Master for the ensuing year. Never in a million years would I have believed that I would be serving you the Craft of South Carolina as Grand Master once again.
As all of you know, this has been a most difficult two years… with the lack of communication from the Grand East the first nine (9) months after the installation of our Past Grand Master and then the Pandemic comes along causing all Lodges to close by order of the Governor.
I believe that during this period of time, the Craft has lost faith and trust in our Grand Lodge.
My Brothers, that is now in the past. I know it will be hard to forget all that happened during those two years, but in order for us to go forward, let’s just say “This is day one in a new era; we will be “OK.”
I pledge to you there will be open communication from the Grand Master’s Office. I will meet you on the level and listen to you. We may not agree on everything, but we will agree to disagree at the end.
I remember just as all of you something we hear every time we meet. “Harmony is the chief strength and support of all regular institutions, but more especially this of ours.” Brothers, without harmony in our Lodges and Grand Lodge, nothing is going to change.
I feel that you, the Craft, have lost trust in your Grand Lodge and the Elected Line. We want to earn that trust back. As Most Worshipful Jack Marler, PGM has said over and over in the past, it is important to be a TEAM. Your new TEAM is going to work extremely hard to earn your trust back, therefore we need to know what you need from us. Call, text, email or just catch us as we travel around.
TRUST! You will hear that word often over the next year. You may be wondering about my Grand Master’s Pins. I could not order them until after the election at Grand Lodge. They should be delivered during the middle of June. I will make sure that your District Deputy Grand Master gets them as soon as they arrive.
The message on the pin reads, “Working Together – Making A Difference.” My Brothers, I am asking you to work with us as we work to make the future of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, AFM better not only for ourselves, but for all of those that will be coming after us.
Ronald C. Mitchum
Grand Master