The Future IS Now!
As we begin the new Masonic year, it is THE BEST TIME to examine the status of your Lodge,
address the issues facing your Lodge and prepare a plan for success. As previously stated, I
believe that fear is the most crippling attitude that must be addressed before our Lodges can
really progress and increase the value of membership. Often Lodges are crippled by fear of
trying new things. Over the past several years the Grand Lodge Officers have consistently
promoted several key initiatives from our research and study. Several Masonic Lesson Plans
over the last 4 years under the banner of the LODGE OF THE FUTURE, have shown proven ways
to, improve Ritual Quality, increase Member Communication, add meaningful Masonic
Educational programs, develop a realistic financial plan or budget plan not only for 2019 but for
the next 5 years so that you can take steps now to protect your Lodge, and finally how to
become active in the community. Members and men in the community can see the difference
that Freemasonry makes in the lives of our members and highlight who and what Freemasonry
does for others!
Many Lodges are addressing their issues and are seeing real progress. More members
attending meaningful meetings, adding new member with better and meaningful ritual being
taught, improved communications with members, improved financial status, and regaining a
meaningful place in our communities.
Unfortunately, many of those that have not seriously addressed these issues are struggling to
keep their Lodges open. After all, the primary role of a Lodge is to make Freemasons, not just
put on degrees but make Freemasons! As of this writing we have 52 Lodges in this Grand
Jurisdiction that have not raised a candidate in over 2 years or more! Only 4 Districts do not
have any Lodges on this list!
In order to become a place where members, both old and young, want to come and participate,
we have to get our house in order. This means addressing those items that directly impact the
members. Complacency is our number one issue. Choose not to be complacent! It will take
work and working together!
As we all begin our new year, with our officers taking their respective leadership roles in our
Lodge, it is important that we take time to plan for this year! Will it be better that last year?
Will our Lodge make a difference to our existing members?
Prepare by reviewing the “Lodge of the Future” series of Lesson Plans and Lodge Education
Topics, you may find these at www.scgrandlodgeafm.org under the Resources Tab. Use these
for enhanced education. Gather and analyze your Lodge data with your officers to plan a course
of action and establish a vision and pathway for your Lodge success.
Our Lodges have made a great impact in 2018 with support of Disaster Relief of members and
Lodges in South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida. Our Veterans visitations and gift project was
outstanding with gifts and supplies to 3 of our Veterans Units. We have visited 4 units and one
more to the Richard Johnson VA Hospital in planning for 2019. Brethren, thank you!
Our Grand Lodge office and Museum have had dramatic improvements this year! We have had
several degrees held in the Grand Lodge this year and I had the distinct honor to present the
MM Lecture in our Grand Lodge in 2018. It is YOUR Grand Lodge and Museum, please schedule
a visit and tour, get dispensation to hold a degree or regular meeting. Consider a District
Meeting at your Grand Lodge! You will be well pleased and honored!
Your Grand Lodge office and staff, MW Bro Gerald Carver, Grand Secretary, MW Bro. Jack
Marler, Grand Treasurer, Ms. Debbie Morrell, Ms. Connie Bennett and Wor. Bro. Pete Bailey are
the best and work so hard to support our Lodges and members.
Many committeemen, and your Grand Lodge officers are working hard to serve the craft and
are to be congratulated for their vision and support.
Finally, Gentlemen, my time as your Grand Master is rapidly coming to a close, and it has been
my strong belief, indeed my commitment to the Craft that we must look to the future so at to
prepare for success. History clearly demonstrates that success comes from preparation,
understanding and practice. Many great Freemasons have passed through your doors. Our
members will engage when we create, prepare and share goals for your Lodge and work to
accomplish those goals. I am certainly convinced that when our members feel as if they are
important to the success of the Lodge, then we can succeed because we choose to work
together. See the Lesson Plan which reviews the key initiatives for your review and study! Or
call or email me directly and I will forward to your attention!
Michael Smith, Grand Master, [email protected] or call at 864-680-0966.
“If you want people to play like champions, we must expect them to prepare like champions
and to treat them as champions.”
BACKGROUND: Planning for Success
ISSUES: Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.
NEEDS: Engagement of Your Member with a Vision for Success.
APPLICATION: Planning for 2019 Success and Implementation
Step One: Officer Engagement and Alignment – Worshipful Master
Worshipful Master, you should plan a meeting with your 2019 officers as
quickly as possible to discuss the key issues facing your Lodge and determine
the priorities for 2019.
a. Operational Excellence. Is your Lodge operating and on budget.
b. What are the pressing needs for the Lodge Stability / Success?
c. Are your Officers ready to confer our Ritual properly?
d. Are you capable of reaching all your members today?
e. Is your Lodge ready to support Community Projects?
Step Two: Set the Plan for your Lodge and Plan your Calendar for 2019.
a. Key Project Committees
b. Key Event Planning and Committees
c. How will you motivate and inspire your members
d. Set the Craft to Work – Work for Excellence!
Step Three: Communicate your 2019 plan with ALL of your members. Let them know the
key items, events and calendar for your year. Plan and communicate your
Educational programs and special family events for you Lodge and get
members involved and engaged. Committees work well to create engagement.
Step Four: Report and Recognize your success and celebrate those that help
accomplishment. King Solomon delegated to other leaders to accomplish the
task. You will be successful with the cooperation and working with other.
Finally It’s ALL about the members and the harmony of the Lodge. Do what is right for
your Lodge members, even if it is difficult and you will accomplish your Goals
and make a difference in 2019.
May God Bless you and your Lodge in this important endeavor!