Grand Lodge Annual Communication The 287th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina will be held on Thursday, April 25 & Friday, April 26, 2024, in the Embassy Suites & Convention Center located at 5055 International Boulevard, North Charleston, SC 29418. The Religious Service will commence on Thursday, April 25 at 9:00 AM and will be conducted by Reverend and Right Worshipful A. Robert Nix, Grand Chaplain. Following the Religious Service, the Grand Lodge will officially open at 10:00 AM by Most Worshipful Steven D. Hames, Grand Master, with the assistance of the Grand Lodge Officers. The Annual Grand Lodge Banquet will be held on Thursday Evening, April 25, at 7:00 PM in the Conference Center Ballroom C, connected to the Hotel. Reservations and tickets are required for the Annual Grand Lodge Banquet. As in the past, two tickets will be mailed to each Lodge for purchase. This year, the Banquet Tickets will be $80.00 each. Those wishing to purchase additional tickets should call the Grand Lodge Office and ask for Debbie. September 24, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Most Worshipful Michael Smith Grand Master of Masons in South Carolina SOUTH CAROLINA – APPEAL FOR ASSISTANCE TO BE READ AT YOUR NEXT LODGE MEETING Brethren All. It is with much concern that I bring forward another appeal for relief in support our friends, neighbors and brothers in OUR Grand Jurisdiction. Our Grand Lodge requested an official appeal for Masonic Relief from the Masonic Service Association of North America on behalf of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina and it was approved for distribution this week. Thankfully, most of our Lodges and members in South Carolina have been truly blessed with the passing of Florence with minimal reports of damage, but the aftermath and heavy flooding of the Pee Dee river basin, the Waccamaw River, Great and Little Pee Dee, Lumbar, Lynches, and Black Rivers are all exceeding flood stage. All the flood waters are heading to Winyah Bay in Georgetown. We are continuing to assess our Lodges and member needs and are getting reports of Lodge flooding, members home flooding and thousands being impacted now by rising flood waters. Thanks be to Almighty God for the blessings we have received in South Carolina but we will have needs that we can help! Unfortunately, almost 2 weeks after landfall of Hurricane Florence, the impact continues in South Carolina. As you know, communication is slowly being recovered, with utilities impacted by flooding which has limited repairs being completed quickly and I expect that we will have issues for weeks and months to come. Our Jurisdiction is well known for our quick response to appeals from our brethren, and now as we have a request from North Carolina, we need to assist our own. I ask for your support again my brethren. Once again, we have an opportunity to aid and assist our brethren. Again, I am asking Lodges and Districts to contribute by one of the following methods, passing the hat specifically for Disaster Relief, direct vote to contribute, appeal letter to your members, or a community fund raising event with all proceeds to go to Hurricane Disaster Relief. Your support will be 100% in support of the Disaster Relief. Please forward your contribution to the Grand Lodge of South Carolina Charity and Disaster Relief Fund and mailed to the Grand Lodge Office. This is a 501 (c) 3 charity and individual contribution are tax deductible. Stand Tall for Freemasonry, Stand Tall for our brethren and families. Sincerely and Fraternally Michael Smith Grand Master ![]() Ruby Lodge No. 314 is now in possession of the State Gavel. They welcome any lodge to come and get it and keep it traveling. It was retrieved from Batesburg Leesville Lodge No. 138 on June the 12th. ![]() 2018 Masonic Year Trestle Board Our 281st Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina has come and is now in the rearview mirror. Brethren, we had a great session with positive reports, recognition and fellowship, most of all great fellowship! During the Grand Masters Address, I placed several initiatives on the trestle board for 2018 - 2019 year that I believe will continue to serve the craft and move our Lodge of the Future program forward. We will continue to focus on the primary initiatives - Improved Ritual Work Quality – to increase new member engagement. - Full Candidate Proficiency – to impress our lessons on new members. - Improved Member Communication – Staying in touch with all members. - Improved Masonic Education – Providing Quality Educational Programs. - Improved Financial Management – Lodges taking ownership of Budgets Brethren, those Lodges that are embracing these programs, through their hard work and effort, are seeing improved membership experience. The new initiatives that your Grand Lodge officers are working to develop and introduce this year; 1. Address and formalize the onboarding process for new members to clearly define the requirements for membership in our Jurisdiction. This process is testing well with inquiries we get from our website. It will help our Lodges with retention and also with improved quality of applicants. It is designed to better prepare those new members coming into our fraternity with understanding of the process of membership. 2. Develop a District Realignment strategy. We currently have Districts with few as 5 Lodges and as many as 13 Lodges. We will structure so as to maintain 30 Districts but we will include Lodge input that is critical to this project. 3. Develop a Lodge of Excellence Recognition program to support our Lodges that are working to create the Lodge Membership Experience and move forward with the Lodge of the Future concepts. This recognition program will better define what successful Lodges are doing and sharing in the great results. More to follow in the coming weeks. 4. Develop and implement a Grand Masters Unity Project this year. This program is asking all Lodges and all appendant organizations of our fraternity to hold one fund raiser to support the Fraternity. Each group that participates will receive a share of the contributions to demonstrate the great impact of our fraternity. See the attached Lesson plan for details. Gentlemen, we owe a great deal of thanks for the blessing we have in this Jurisdiction! It is by the hard work and teamwork of our members, that we see great success. We have many that worked so hard for our Grand Lodge and I want to publicly say thank you to the many on the Local Grand Lodge Committee and our Grand Lodge officers that worked on our Grand Lodge Session. Our local committee and their ladies did a wonderful job in making our members and guest feel so welcome. Thank you to the local committee you make us so proud to be a South Carolina Freemason! Fraternally Michael D. Smith Grand Master ![]() GRAND MASTER’S ADDRESS THE MASONIC LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE “Grand Master, I am having problems in my Lodge, getting members to participate.” These words were shared with me on several occasions during the recent District Instructional Meetings, by Worshipful Masters concerned about the future of their Lodge. These words certainly signal great concern for a Lodge, especially when they rise to the level of a conversation with the Grand Master and I certainly take them seriously. More importantly, it signals that the Lodge needs to work to address the issue. Often, the Worshipful Master and Officers, find themselves dealing with issues that have not been addressed within their Lodge, but address the issues, they must! Brethren, I have reminded all the Officers attending the District Instructional Meetings of the obligation they took as officers by reciting the obligation. “I, Michael Duane Smith, do solemnly promise that I will serve this Lodge as _______, for the space of one year, from the festival of St. John the Evangelist to the one next ensuing and will perform all the duties appertaining to that one office to the best of my abilities, so help me God.” I follow up by asking them if they understood and took that obligation seriously, do they mean it, do they own it! Officers are expected to know their role and to give their best effort in the work and support as a member of the leadership team. The emphasis points for this year are as follows based direct member feedback! 1. Candidate Proficiency – All candidates are expected to demonstrate full proficiency in all degrees. They will appreciate their accomplishment and will be better prepared to assist the Lodge with pride. 2. Quality of the Work – Focus on teaching the candidates with Ritual Excellence. Masters have been asked to lead more practice including teaching officers how to read the Ritual correctly. 3. Improve Member Communications – Using email, calls, letters & texts to keep your members informed of all Lodge Activity. 4. Improve Lodge Education - Masters have been asked to provide Masonic Education at all Regular Meetings. Focus on the Ahiman Rezon, Ritual and the Lodge of the Future Lesson Plans. Let’s OWN IT, and work together in 2018 and begin to focus on those things which enable renewal, stability and success. What will it take to make that happen? Masonic Leadership with a focused, realistic approach specific for your Lodge this year. Please see the Grand Masters Lesson plan at and click on the resources tab to get Lesson Plan No. 4. Your actions now will impact your Lodge for many years to come. Consider these questions for your Lodge. Can a Lodge survive if the work cannot be properly exemplified? Can a Lodge survive if they do not stay in constant contact with their members, all of them? Can a Lodge survive if they do not understand where they are and can the Lodge meet the obligations to be a Lodge of Ancient Free Masons in SC. Brethren, it means something to be a Freemason in South Carolina. Masonic Leadership is needed now in your Lodge! Lead the Craft by showing them that you care for them and the Lodge! Your Grand Lodge Officers are here to help you succeed. Wardens are expected to attend the New Wardens Leadership Workshops either on March 3rd at the Greenville Scottish Rite Center or March 10th at the Charleston Scottish Rite Center. Fraternally, Michael D. Smith, Sr. Grand Master ![]() Band of Brothers The officers of a Lodge have been elected or appointed to serve the Lodge because of their particular talents. Some are more gifted in certain areas than others, but all of them must possess one very important characteristic, that of DEVOTION TO DUTY. When our Brother accepts an office in our Lodge, he is affirming to the Brethren he has committed himself to Masonry and to the complete success in his office. Additionally, when a Brother joins our Lodge, it is a twofold commitment as he unites with his Band of Brothers. There is a great deal of planning, studying, and attending involved in each of these offices and each officer will need the support of everyone. When we are not prepared to make these sacrifices and prioritize, we are not being just to our Band of Brothers by accepting the office. If you do not have the support of your family and are willing to place GOD first, family second, your chosen vocation third and the Lodge fourth, then you should have never taken the responsibility of a Lodge Officer. Every officer must work with enthusiasm, not only at his own particular job in the Lodge, but he must assist each officer in the performance of their duties. In the performance of duty, the officer demonstrates a desire to ascend to the next office in line or to some other position of responsibility in the long line of service. A successful Lodge is united through a good educational program, good Lodge administration and management, a good mentoring program, a good community outreach program, and good Ritual. It is the responsibility of every officer to ensure your Lodge is a Band of Brothers. Decorum in our Lodge was established by our Founding Fathers. They wanted to institute a culture grounded in unity and decorum creating place for our families to gather and a quality experience for the aspirant. They were convinced of the need to be distinctive in terms of quality rather than opaque. As we think about the year 2018 with the challenges, hopes and dreams awaiting, we must not find ourselves looking back. We must remain united as a Band of Brothers who meet on the level. A portion of the charge we administer to each Senior Warden is very poignant-- “The LEVEL demonstrates that we are descended from the same stock, partake of the same nature, and share the same hope; and, though distinctions among men are necessary to preserve subordination, yet no eminence of station should make us forget that we are Brethren.” It is interesting how our mind recalls a song, poem or a particular place we identify with which corresponds to a time in our lives. Poetry was never one of my strong suits, however certain stanzas from a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson does permeate my thoughts as I reflect on our Band of Brothers. Though much is taken, much abides; and though We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. Word of the month: Decorum---etiquette, protocol, good form, custom, convention, formalities, niceties, Quote for the month & Thought for the month: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” Mahatma Gandhi Carpe Diem Together we can protect, preserve, serve, and grow O.B. Smith, SGW Chairman, MEC ![]() FREEMASONRY CELEBRATED As I write this year end message, I am homeward bound from the Tercentenary Celebration of the United Grand Lodge of England. RW Walter C. “Cal” Disher II and I had the great honor to participate in this gathering Grand Officers and representing all the members of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina. Indeed, His Royal Highness, the Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England indicated this was the largest gathering of Grand Masters in History! 136 Grand Masters from all corners of the world gathered in London to celebrate 300 Years of Freemasonry as organized in the Premier Grand Lodge. Over 4000 attended the celebration on Tuesday, October 31st at Royal Albert Hall in London. Freemasonry was truly celebrated at this event. The ceremony, showed a young member beginning his journey as most of us have, by seeking a better life and choosing to serve others. By seeking and finding Light! This portrayal had the young member being conducted by the Master Hiram stressing the moral lessons and those principle virtues so vital to a successful journey of a Freemason. Along the way the novice was excited to meet many of the greatest Freemasons from history that taught the great lessons and virtues, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington! The presentation shared that the United States was founded on the principles of Freemasonry of Freedom and Toleration! Brethren, we were proud of this portrayal. May Freedom continue to reign and toleration remain a proper goal for our fraternity! Brethren, I am here to tell you that you should be so proud of our history and those great Masonic leaders in our glorious past. We were ordered at this session based upon our establishment of our Grand Lodge. Being the eighth in history afforded RW Bro Disher and me some unbelievable opportunities. I was seated with the highest officers of the Grand Lodge of England, Grand Masters of Ireland, Scotland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York and New Jersey and as such one of the first to meet the HRH the Grand Master of England, to get the prime seating for the celebration and seated at the head tables for the Grand Banquet. Brethren from other jurisdictions wanted to know how we got to be in the select group. I stated that is was due to those great Masonic Leaders of the past from South Carolina that afforded us this great opportunity. Brethren, I also had the great privilege of attending the Grand Lodge of Scotland while in Edinburgh the week prior to returning to London and again South Carolina was recognized as one of the oldest Grand Lodges by the MW Grand Master Mason in their session. Brethren, as I contemplated these wonderful events where Freemasons celebrated the tremendous history, influence and the difference made in the world, I was moved by what we have in South Carolina. We have a rich history of service to our members and the world. A teaching Grand Lodge that works and our charity is noted because of what we have been taught! Gentlemen, men need what we offer! We must offer our best for the future of the craft! Gentlemen, I pose the questions again regarding the Lodge of the Future and our ability to continue such a great legacy for the coming generations. How will we carry out our great mission when some of our Lodges struggle to even stay open? Without a return to the pride in teaching the great lessons to our members, we cannot fulfill the very needs of our members to make a difference in their community. If your Lodge is not meeting the needs of your members, then you must get your “house in order” and then and only then can your Lodge be what it is meant to be. A true force in the lives of your members and your community! Time to STAND TALL my brethren and to GO TO WORK to make 2018 the best. We have great plans on the trestle board for all Lodge officers! Attend your District instructional meeting for hands on training for your officers. Worshipful Masters are expected to attend the New Worshipful Masters Leadership Workshop on January 27th in Columbia at the Scottish Rite. Wardens are expected to attend the New Wardens Leadership Workshops either on March 3rd in Charleston or March 10th in Greenville at the Scottish Rite Centers. May God grant each of us the recognition of our talent and dedication to develop our talent and skill to the benefit of others. Our Grand Lodge officers look forward to seeing you at our Instructional Meetings. Fraternally Michael D. Smith Grand Master GRAND MASTER’S EDUCATION LESSON PLAN, NUMBER 3 PREPARING YOUR LODGE OF THE FUTURE BACKGROUND: NEW OFFICER LEADERSHIP AND TRAINING PROGRAM ISSUES: Delivering on our promise, Making A Difference to YOUR Members NEEDS: Improve Officer Training Raising the Bar on Quality Ritual and Operations ACTIONS: Use the Grand Lodge Instructional Program to Improve Lodge Leadership. Properly Elect and Install your 2018 Officers. Engage your DDGM and Past Masters. Open installations are a great way to involve the family! Provide the proper tools to the new officers. Officers get together and study, read the Ritual to make certain it is correct. ALL OFFICERS Attend Your District Instructional Meeting Together! WOR. MASTERS – Attend the NEW Leadership Workshop – 1.27 in Columbia. WARDENS – Attend the NEW Leadership Workshop in Charleston or Greenville. Plan to practice and practice to be better tomorrow. Make your Lodge the best it can be! The best at teaching your new members! Your Grand Lodge Officers are looking forward to seeing you at Instructional Meetings and your Workshops. If you have any questions please contact your DDGM for details. STAND TALL and LET’S GO TO WORK TOGETHER. MWB Michael D. Smith Sr. with the delegation from Paraguay. Paraguay received Offcial recognition from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky today. Paraguay had previously received recognition from South Carolina. |
September 2024