As we briefly discussed, I'd like to share a story about SC Masons being true SC Masons...
Every now an then its nice to get a few reminders of why we really love what we do.
I was first contacted July 7th by WB Brian S. Dixon, PM Stonewell Lodge No. 124. He informed me that he had come into possession of a couple of old Masonic Bibles, one of which had belonged to a Brother from District 25. This Bible's cover having in gold the Square & Compasses and the words; Mr. & Mrs. J. Ross Rushing, Chesterfield Lodge No. 220 A.F.M. WB Dixon was requesting my assistance in contacting the Lodge Officers to make arrangements to present it to them.
During our conversations and emails it was clear that he, as a Mason, had a strong belief that he needed to see the Bible home where it most belonged. He wanted to deliver it in person, not just pass it along. (I am not sure what happened with the other Bible.)
On Thursday August 10, 2017 he, and others from Stonewell Lodge, travelled from Troy, SC to present this gift to the Brothers of Chesterfield Lodge No. 220. (That's approx. a 6 hour round trip.) I know they must have been doubly pleased to learn that a family tie to the Rushings was found from Ruby Lodge No. 314, just a few miles down the road. This family tie, Williams' family, father Junior, son Terry and grandson Hunter were in attendance that evening. In the attached photos, Hunter, a newly raise Mason, was given the honor of being the recipient of the Bible. Hunter's father and grandfather have been frequent visitors to and supporters of Chesterfield Lodge No. 220 for many years, so I know the Chesterfield Brothers felt a true joy in helping to honor their family.
That evening WB Terry posted on Facebook (not in SCGrandLodgeAFM Official): Couldn't have asked for a better night me daddy and hunter received my great grandfathers Masonic bible that was found in a storage unit I want to thank the brothers that brought it to us.
Since WB Terry did not name names - I had added this comment: Thank you to Brother Brian S. Dixon PM Stonewall Lodge No.124 for his love and dedication to the Craft! Not only found the Bible, recognized it's value to others, made the effort to contact me to hook him up with these Brothers, then drove several hours to hand deliver it. A special fraternal friend indeed!