It is time for us to reflect upon our responsibility and ask ourselves if we have the fervency and zeal that distinguishes us from our ancient Brethren.
As a Fraternity we have great philanthropies and we should be proud of that. However, we aren’t a philanthropic organization. We are to be more than promoting fundraisers for different purposes. Are we not to be different from other civic clubs and organizations? We are to be Brothers dedicated to promoting Relief and Brotherly Love and in doing so we are building better men….husbands, fathers, community leaders, and citizens. It also strengthens that “Mystic Tie” that binds us into a sacred band of Brothers.
Are we following someone else’s expectations by doing the same things the same way year after year? Our meetings should be inspiring, interesting, and creative, not just come and open the Lodge, read the minutes, pay bills, close, and go home. Our Lodges must distinguish themselves from other fraternities or clubs by creating an experience that Brothers perceive as worthy of their time and effort. Do we have a good agenda of Masonic activities planned for our meetings such as an inspiring Masonic speakers, a good program of Masonic Education readily available for our Brethren to enjoy and learn more about our great Fraternity. There are many publications and videos readily available if we would only spend a little time in search of these.
We must live up to the duties and responsibilities which we voluntarily took upon ourselves as Masons. We come of our own freewill and accord. We are not invited into the Fraternity. We knocked upon the door for admission. We are to live our Masonic principles before the public and in our everyday life. If we do this, we will make a positive impact on others. At first, they might seek admission just for the fraternal association but if they see we have something to offer them that is beneficial to daily living, they will see our Fraternity in a different light and seek admission.
If they do let’s give them the best fraternal experience we have to offer. And finally ask yourself: “Have I given the Fraternity my best?”
William B. Rogers
Grand Master