To Know Wisdom
Brothers, we have just celebrated the birth of our saver, Jesus Christ, a wonderful time of the year. To remember the love He gave and showed to the world demonstrates “greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” During our Ladies Night at our Lodges, we invited widows of our beloved Brothers who have passed to that Celestial Lodge, that House not made with hands. It was made from Love and Compassion for people of the world, another lesson which Jesus taught us. We as Masons came together to show our love and respect for each other and we did not forget the memories of our deceased Brothers nor their families. This showed, “love for each other.” We have elected New Officers for the ensuing Masonic Year. Each Brother elected to a station or appointed to an office has a great responsibility and a duty to his Brethren and the Fraternity to be ready to lead, make them and their Lodge stronger in Ritual Work, understanding the By-laws and Constitution, most of all gave something back to the community. Those of us not elected or appointed have a duty to support our Lodge and our officers.
As a child growing up on the Mill Hill, my parents provided everything our family needed. The most precious gift was their good name. My mind often goes back to the times my parents would open the Bible and share God’s Word. I remember the following words from King David, and then I heard them again when I entered Law Enforcement: “To know wisdom and instruction; To perceive the words of understanding; To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgement and equity; To give subtlety to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.” (Proverbs: Chapter 1 vs. 2-5). If the new officers, follow these simple rules, they will have a great year by providing and gaining respect from their Brothers. To all New Masters and Wardens, you are now the leaders of your Lodge. Prepare yourself to be a great leader of men, pray for understanding, a will to listen, have the courage to “always do that which is right.” Let our New Year’s Resolution be to leave the world better than when we found it. This will take teamwork, the most successful organizations are where subordinates input is welcomed, and leaders are willing to listen. The Lessons of Freemasonry are based upon truth, and they will keep on being true. The pages of history prove over and over truth never wears out and it does not succumb to the passage of time, but rather provides the courage to face times of trial and despair. It promotes within the individual, compassion to be generous to his fellow man in all his distresses. It enables one to realize the greatest charity is not when we give from ourselves, rather when we give of ourselves. Word of the Month: Educate- to give and provide intellectual, moral and social instruction. Quote for the Month: “Listen before you speak.” William Arthur Ward Thought for the Month: Demonstrate your love for one another by never placing yourself before our beloved Fraternity.
Together we can protect, preserve, serve, and grow.
O.B. Smith, Senior Grand Warden
Chairman, Masonic Education Committee
To Know Wisdom
Brothers, we have just celebrated the birth of our saver, Jesus Christ, a wonderful time of the year. To remember the love He gave and showed to the world demonstrates “greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” During our Ladies Night at our Lodges, we invited widows of our beloved Brothers who have passed to that Celestial Lodge, that House not made with hands. It was made from Love and Compassion for people of the world, another lesson which Jesus taught us. We as Masons came together to show our love and respect for each other and we did not forget the memories of our deceased Brothers nor their families. This showed, “love for each other.” We have elected New Officers for the ensuing Masonic Year. Each Brother elected to a station or appointed to an office has a great responsibility and a duty to his Brethren and the Fraternity to be ready to lead, make them and their Lodge stronger in Ritual Work, understanding the By-laws and Constitution, most of all gave something back to the community. Those of us not elected or appointed have a duty to support our Lodge and our officers.
As a child growing up on the Mill Hill, my parents provided everything our family needed. The most precious gift was their good name. My mind often goes back to the times my parents would open the Bible and share God’s Word. I remember the following words from King David, and then I heard them again when I entered Law Enforcement: “To know wisdom and instruction; To perceive the words of understanding; To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgement and equity; To give subtlety to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.” (Proverbs: Chapter 1 vs. 2-5). If the new officers, follow these simple rules, they will have a great year by providing and gaining respect from their Brothers. To all New Masters and Wardens, you are now the leaders of your Lodge. Prepare yourself to be a great leader of men, pray for understanding, a will to listen, have the courage to “always do that which is right.” Let our New Year’s Resolution be to leave the world better than when we found it. This will take teamwork, the most successful organizations are where subordinates input is welcomed, and leaders are willing to listen. The Lessons of Freemasonry are based upon truth, and they will keep on being true. The pages of history prove over and over truth never wears out and it does not succumb to the passage of time, but rather provides the courage to face times of trial and despair. It promotes within the individual, compassion to be generous to his fellow man in all his distresses. It enables one to realize the greatest charity is not when we give from ourselves, rather when we give of ourselves. Word of the Month: Educate- to give and provide intellectual, moral and social instruction. Quote for the Month: “Listen before you speak.” William Arthur Ward Thought for the Month: Demonstrate your love for one another by never placing yourself before our beloved Fraternity.
Together we can protect, preserve, serve, and grow.
O.B. Smith, Senior Grand Warden
Chairman, Masonic Education Committee