MASONIC EDUCATION CORNER The Master’s Journey to Past Master
A Brother elected to the office of Master of his Lodge must have the characteristics of a good leader, Trust in God, The Great Architect of The Universe. The Brother must have moral convictions, which is a subjective assessment of one’s attitude about a specific issue or situation, that is associated with one’s moral beliefs and fundamental sense of right or wrong. He must be dedicated to serving the Craft and protecting his Lodge from failure and set the example to always strive to be the best that one can be. A good leader is a good listener. One can learn something new just by listening to good counsel from all Brothers. As he works through the appointed chairs and the Elected Line, he has given his support to the Brothers and Masters who have gone before him. In these positions, he has shown the Craft he is fit to hold the positions that have been entrusted to him by being dedicated, attending all required meetings, learning the Rituals, overseeing the superintendence and direction of the work of his Lodge. As one can understand, it takes a lot of work, time and dedication to be a Master, Warden and member of a Masonic Lodge. On this journey to the East, he should have now become experienced in all the degrees and Rituals, learned the finances of his Lodge and made himself a better Mason and individual. He has had the opportunity to observe the Brothers, who hopefully, will make their way to the East one day as Master. At the end of his term as Master, he has earned the title of Past Master. He now becomes one of the most important members of his Lodge. As a Past Master, he has gained the knowledge, experience, know how and the Moral Compass to keep his Lodge on the right track. He must insure that the Brothers who start their journey to the East are persons that have the interest of the Craft at Heart, have good morals, dedicated and willing to learn plus many more qualities. After a Brother is elected to an office, on the night of his installation, he makes a promise before God and his Lodge that he will perform the duties of his office. The Members and Past Masters must insure that his promise is kept. I challenge all Past Masters to attend their Lodge and be prepared to give sound and wholesome instruction to the Brothers that seek guidance. I once was told by a Past Grand Master, if a person does not share his experience and knowledge, it is as if you opened a book that was titled “Behold All Secrets of Man,” but when you eagerly opened the book to gain this knowledge all you found were white blank pages. If we go through this world without sharing our knowledge and experience, we leave nothing behind for the Brothers that will follow, and we are long forgotten if we are unwilling to share the knowledge we have gained on our journey through life. All Brothers have a duty to attend their Lodge, support their officers and serve in any small way they can. If our members fail to attend, then your Lodge will surely die. Some Brothers say “I send in my dues!” Brothers, while we thank you for this support, it is of utmost importance that you attend meetings and are instrumental in helping us preserve our history and the Fraternity.
O. B. Smith, III, Senior Grand Warden
Chairman, Masonic Education Committee
A Brother elected to the office of Master of his Lodge must have the characteristics of a good leader, Trust in God, The Great Architect of The Universe. The Brother must have moral convictions, which is a subjective assessment of one’s attitude about a specific issue or situation, that is associated with one’s moral beliefs and fundamental sense of right or wrong. He must be dedicated to serving the Craft and protecting his Lodge from failure and set the example to always strive to be the best that one can be. A good leader is a good listener. One can learn something new just by listening to good counsel from all Brothers. As he works through the appointed chairs and the Elected Line, he has given his support to the Brothers and Masters who have gone before him. In these positions, he has shown the Craft he is fit to hold the positions that have been entrusted to him by being dedicated, attending all required meetings, learning the Rituals, overseeing the superintendence and direction of the work of his Lodge. As one can understand, it takes a lot of work, time and dedication to be a Master, Warden and member of a Masonic Lodge. On this journey to the East, he should have now become experienced in all the degrees and Rituals, learned the finances of his Lodge and made himself a better Mason and individual. He has had the opportunity to observe the Brothers, who hopefully, will make their way to the East one day as Master. At the end of his term as Master, he has earned the title of Past Master. He now becomes one of the most important members of his Lodge. As a Past Master, he has gained the knowledge, experience, know how and the Moral Compass to keep his Lodge on the right track. He must insure that the Brothers who start their journey to the East are persons that have the interest of the Craft at Heart, have good morals, dedicated and willing to learn plus many more qualities. After a Brother is elected to an office, on the night of his installation, he makes a promise before God and his Lodge that he will perform the duties of his office. The Members and Past Masters must insure that his promise is kept. I challenge all Past Masters to attend their Lodge and be prepared to give sound and wholesome instruction to the Brothers that seek guidance. I once was told by a Past Grand Master, if a person does not share his experience and knowledge, it is as if you opened a book that was titled “Behold All Secrets of Man,” but when you eagerly opened the book to gain this knowledge all you found were white blank pages. If we go through this world without sharing our knowledge and experience, we leave nothing behind for the Brothers that will follow, and we are long forgotten if we are unwilling to share the knowledge we have gained on our journey through life. All Brothers have a duty to attend their Lodge, support their officers and serve in any small way they can. If our members fail to attend, then your Lodge will surely die. Some Brothers say “I send in my dues!” Brothers, while we thank you for this support, it is of utmost importance that you attend meetings and are instrumental in helping us preserve our history and the Fraternity.
O. B. Smith, III, Senior Grand Warden
Chairman, Masonic Education Committee