Five Points Of Fellowship
It is, indeed, a distinguished honor to be elected to serve the Craft of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina as your Senior Grand Warden. I am humbled and honored by your support and our shared love of this great Fraternity. Thank you and I pledge to do my best to support your Lodge, by listening and working together for the benefit of the Fraternity.
I continue to be excited about the future of our great fraternity! Many of our Brethren and Lodges are accepting the challenge of examining and improving the experience for all of our members. Brethren our Lodge membership is our most important asset. While I am positive of the great influence we have as Freemasons and our future, however many Lodges continue to be unprepared, and some still unaware of the issues that are on their horizon.
Our Grand Master, M.W. & Ill. William B. Rogers, continues to encourage us to Spread The Light in our Grand Jurisdiction.
Have We Learned Our Lessons Well? Five Points Of Fellowship
Do you remember those Lodge Brethren that got you started in the right direction? Those that invested in you and your Masonic career? I recall several members of my Lodge, Landrum Lodge # 278, and the Spartanburg Scottish Rite, that were actively engaged with my Masonic Journey. I petitioned at age 21 because of many men in my community that were active and involved. My Father, Grandfather, and my Father in Law were influences with their involvement in the Lodge, Scottish Rite and Shrine. Their work to support others was impressive. Once in the fraternity, my Masonic circle expanded rapidly and the friendship and fellowship was outstanding! I met great men, in both character and in their love of fellow Freemasons. I was taught great lessons and study increased my Faith in both God and Man!
At a recent Scottish Rite Leadership Conference, one great lesson was played out in a Fellows Session. I was proud of the 11 South Carolina Fellows in attendance, these are great men with a passion for our craft. I was honored to attend the private session by Ill. Ronald A. Seale, who asked me to charge the Fellows group, to action in their respective Scottish Rite Valleys. During this session, one Fellow asked about how to handle a troublemaker in his lodge, that always “stirred” it up. After some consideration, I demonstrated a way that I was taught to address this issue. The Great Lesson from the 5 Points of Fellowship, where we are taught to Love our brethren enough to offer good council. I asked one of our South Carolina members to stand with me and demonstrate with the 5 Points of Fellowship how, in a brotherly manner, offer council but letting a brother know that they are creating issues and offer a possible course of action for them to consider. How many times have you used the 5 Points of Fellowship to, Pray, Encourage, Council your brethren? Perhaps our next Lesson Plan is appropriate to have all members participate in the 5 Points of Fellowship.
BACKGROUND: Membership Engagement is KEY to our Long Term Success.
ISSUES: Are your Lodge Brethren Aligned and Aware of Our Lodge Status Are YOU in Harmony with your Lodge and Members
NEEDS: Encouragement of Members! Do Your Members Feel Valued?
In your next Masonic Educational Program, Have all members participate in demonstrating the 5 Points of Fellowship. Have them all pair up and walk them through the 5 Points Lecture. Discuss the key symbolism of this important Brotherly Act of Love and Fraternity.
1. Support of Each Other – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually
2. Remember each other in our Daily Devotions.
3. Genuine Brotherly Love for each other, even when we don’t always agree.
4. Have Each Others Back, Even when our Brothers Stray – Bring them Back
5. Council, both Good Council and Corrective Council.
APPLICATION: These actions will be helpful when we look to work together in harmony.
Step One: Your Brothers will come to your support. You can count on me! Can your Brothers Count on You?
Step Two: I will pray for you! Teaches us the important value of prayer! Do you pray every day? Do you remember brothers in your Daily Devotions?
Step Three: Do you have Brotherly Love for your Brethren? How do you show it? Do you help the Harmony in your Lodge? Does your Labor show it?
Step Four: I embrace you in Fellowship and Fraternity? I will put my hands to work? Can you embrace your members? Do you comfort and support your brothers?
Step Five: I care enough about you to listen and also to share good council. How well do you encourage, council, and correct errors of your brothers? Do you correct using the attitude of the 5 Points of Fellowship? You should!
PRACTICE: Brethren let’s Spread the Light of Brotherly Love and Affection. Remind each other that only through HARMONY can we advance and seek perfection.
Use this opportunity to bring your Brethren together, build Harmony and set the craft on the path to progress and success!
Fraternally Yours
Five Points Of Fellowship
It is, indeed, a distinguished honor to be elected to serve the Craft of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina as your Senior Grand Warden. I am humbled and honored by your support and our shared love of this great Fraternity. Thank you and I pledge to do my best to support your Lodge, by listening and working together for the benefit of the Fraternity.
I continue to be excited about the future of our great fraternity! Many of our Brethren and Lodges are accepting the challenge of examining and improving the experience for all of our members. Brethren our Lodge membership is our most important asset. While I am positive of the great influence we have as Freemasons and our future, however many Lodges continue to be unprepared, and some still unaware of the issues that are on their horizon.
Our Grand Master, M.W. & Ill. William B. Rogers, continues to encourage us to Spread The Light in our Grand Jurisdiction.
Have We Learned Our Lessons Well? Five Points Of Fellowship
Do you remember those Lodge Brethren that got you started in the right direction? Those that invested in you and your Masonic career? I recall several members of my Lodge, Landrum Lodge # 278, and the Spartanburg Scottish Rite, that were actively engaged with my Masonic Journey. I petitioned at age 21 because of many men in my community that were active and involved. My Father, Grandfather, and my Father in Law were influences with their involvement in the Lodge, Scottish Rite and Shrine. Their work to support others was impressive. Once in the fraternity, my Masonic circle expanded rapidly and the friendship and fellowship was outstanding! I met great men, in both character and in their love of fellow Freemasons. I was taught great lessons and study increased my Faith in both God and Man!
At a recent Scottish Rite Leadership Conference, one great lesson was played out in a Fellows Session. I was proud of the 11 South Carolina Fellows in attendance, these are great men with a passion for our craft. I was honored to attend the private session by Ill. Ronald A. Seale, who asked me to charge the Fellows group, to action in their respective Scottish Rite Valleys. During this session, one Fellow asked about how to handle a troublemaker in his lodge, that always “stirred” it up. After some consideration, I demonstrated a way that I was taught to address this issue. The Great Lesson from the 5 Points of Fellowship, where we are taught to Love our brethren enough to offer good council. I asked one of our South Carolina members to stand with me and demonstrate with the 5 Points of Fellowship how, in a brotherly manner, offer council but letting a brother know that they are creating issues and offer a possible course of action for them to consider. How many times have you used the 5 Points of Fellowship to, Pray, Encourage, Council your brethren? Perhaps our next Lesson Plan is appropriate to have all members participate in the 5 Points of Fellowship.
BACKGROUND: Membership Engagement is KEY to our Long Term Success.
ISSUES: Are your Lodge Brethren Aligned and Aware of Our Lodge Status Are YOU in Harmony with your Lodge and Members
NEEDS: Encouragement of Members! Do Your Members Feel Valued?
In your next Masonic Educational Program, Have all members participate in demonstrating the 5 Points of Fellowship. Have them all pair up and walk them through the 5 Points Lecture. Discuss the key symbolism of this important Brotherly Act of Love and Fraternity.
1. Support of Each Other – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually
2. Remember each other in our Daily Devotions.
3. Genuine Brotherly Love for each other, even when we don’t always agree.
4. Have Each Others Back, Even when our Brothers Stray – Bring them Back
5. Council, both Good Council and Corrective Council.
APPLICATION: These actions will be helpful when we look to work together in harmony.
Step One: Your Brothers will come to your support. You can count on me! Can your Brothers Count on You?
Step Two: I will pray for you! Teaches us the important value of prayer! Do you pray every day? Do you remember brothers in your Daily Devotions?
Step Three: Do you have Brotherly Love for your Brethren? How do you show it? Do you help the Harmony in your Lodge? Does your Labor show it?
Step Four: I embrace you in Fellowship and Fraternity? I will put my hands to work? Can you embrace your members? Do you comfort and support your brothers?
Step Five: I care enough about you to listen and also to share good council. How well do you encourage, council, and correct errors of your brothers? Do you correct using the attitude of the 5 Points of Fellowship? You should!
PRACTICE: Brethren let’s Spread the Light of Brotherly Love and Affection. Remind each other that only through HARMONY can we advance and seek perfection.
Use this opportunity to bring your Brethren together, build Harmony and set the craft on the path to progress and success!
Fraternally Yours