So what can we do to make a difference in the lives of these veterans who are in the sunset of their lives? RWB Sam Atkins, who is the MSA appointed representative for that facility, has pointed out a very specific need they have, that only a group as large and committed as we are can meet.
He has asked and MW David DeChant has endorsed providing televisions for these veterans. They need thirty (30) 32" flat-screen televisions for patient rooms and five (5) 60" flat-screens for the Day Rooms so that all residents will have access to TV.
This appeal is to all of us, the Masons of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, to step up and make this happen. If you, your Lodge or your Master & Wardens club or any other group would be so generous as to buy one of the 60" flat-screens you will be recognized with a brass plaque attached to the set.
The cost of these 60" TV's are $1000.00. RWB Cal Disher will be the point man on this project and his address is:
174 Mims Road
Harleyville, SC 29448-3334
Please make all checks payable to the Grand Lodge of AFM of SC and designate it for the "Campbell Veterans Home TV Project".
I am really excited about this. The last time I was personally involved in something like this you, the brethren, opened up your hearts and wallets and raised almost $30,000.00 to buy a handicapped equipped wheelchair bus for the Veterans Victory House in Walterboro. Brothers, we made a difference then and I know we can make a difference NOW.
Carey D. Baxley, Jr., PDDGM
MSA State Coordinator