My theme for the year is “Spreading the Light.” By this I mean that under the direction of Rt. Wor. Michael Smith, Senior Grand Warden, the Masonic Education Committeemen and District Deputies will be given Masonic Education topics from the Ahiman Rezon and the Ritual Book to be presented in each of the Lodges in their District. Also I want the Lodges to make contributions to the four Veterans Administration Facilities in South Carolina. We will ascertain the needs of these centers and distribute the contributed funds accordingly.
I am excited about the year ahead of us and the opportunities to further the cause of Freemasonry in this Grand Jurisdiction. Our Ancient Brethren turned this great Fraternity over to us and it is our duty to improve it over to the next generation to be greater that we received it.
I have chosen the Grand Masters Jewel as the centerpiece of my lapel pins with the dates 1737 * 2017 the date our Grand Lodge was established and the latter date of 2017 in hope that as I complete my service as Grand Master the Fraternity will be better because of our labors for this Grand Jurisdiction.
Congratulations to Rt. Wor. Cal Disher elected as Junior Grand Warden, M.W. Gerald L. Carver, P.G.M. as Grand Secretary and Rt. Wor. Rev. A. Robert Nix as Grand Chaplain.
Fraternally and Sincerely,
William B. Rogers
Grand Master of Masons in South Carolina