From the dawn of humanity, mankind has asked a variety of
questions, who am I, where did I come from, is there a GOD, and how do I communicate with Him? Consider how when we were born into this world, the doctor slapped us on our butt and the shock caused us to breathe and life began. From that instant, our sole existence depended on family members and caretakers to feed us, clothe us, and to protect us from all harm developing our “spiritual being” to learn who God is and His demands for His children. From the instant we opened our eyes, we sought to leave the darkness and advance towards the light. Through support,
we began to develop. We were taught to crawl, communicate, to speak, to think on our own, to reason things out and walk out of the darkness. This gift of God to man endowed us with the knowledge of right from wrong, calling mankind out of the darkness to eternal life.
We learn things from our family members, friends, acquaintances, and GOD’s great light, how to survive and to develop our spiritual being (soul). Conversely, when we entered Masonry, we needed the same care and teachings to survive. We used our skill and reasoning to come out of the darkness when we asked a Brother how to be a Mason? This desire came only after we observed Masons in our communities, workplaces, churches, synagogues, and houses of worship, demonstrating their dedication to God, Family, Community and the desire to serve mankind in any way they could.
Our first entrance into the Lodge was a shock as we came out of the darkness into “new birth.” This was followed immediately by Brethren teaching us the allegorical and archetypal meaning of Masonry. The Lodge prayed an earnest plea to God to ensure us with competency of His divine wisdom so we may understand His
Consequently, it is the duty of all Masons to teach, model, instruct and insure each new Entered Apprentice is given all the tools ensuring he can and will build the house of the eternal spirit. We are often reminded of the necessity to continually and carefully study the Great Light of Masonry, the Holy Bible that rules and governs our everyday life and our interaction with all mankind. By being encouraged to continue our study of the Great Light, we come out of the darkness to build our spiritual house, not made with hands.
Consider the color of the lambskin apron and how the color is to remind us of purity of life, which is one of the characteristics of a Mason. RW Brother Cal, our DGM, has reminded the Craft, an aspirant joins Freemasonry, we do not join him. He is in the dark, he may have no knowledge of the Great Light nor God’s plan for each of us. The aspirant should align with our tenants; however, he must be mentored. Those of us who were blessed by our parents who loved and raised us to be men of faith, men that care for the human race, men that love and obey the Great Architect of the Universe, owe it to be faithful and do the same to those in our circle of acquaintance. As Masons, we should study the Great Light of Masonry, to renew our minds so we can know the will of GOD. Establishing GOD’s word as the authority for our life, is vital for defending against the spiritual attacks seeking to distract, deceive, and waylay our Father’s greatest creation...man. Never forget that without guidance and the proper instruction, we will lose each Entered Apprentice, exiling them to the world of darkness.
Quote of the Month: “Individual commitment to a group effort, which is what makes a team work, a company work, a society to work, a civilization to work.” Vince Lombardi
Thought of the Month: Commit yourself to change the world in small ways by investing yourself into others one life at a time.
Word for the Month: Knowledge Facts, information and skills acquired by a person through experience or education, theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
O.B. Smith, Senior Grand Warden
Chairman, Masonic Education Committee