Duty and Dedication
Brethren, I write this article on July 2, 2016, and it is with a heavy heart, the day after participating in a beautiful and meaningful service for my dear friend and Bro. William R. Logan, DGM. His example of Dedication and Duty serve as a reminder of our duty to God, family, country and our fraternity. His life reminds us of the commitment, and sacrifice for those things which are worth fighting to see prevail. Justice, Right and Truth. Our Deputy Grand Master believed in these things and his life showed his dedication and duty. I recommend reading his Memoriam as presented by MW & Ill. Bro. Gerald Carver, PGM.
We learn best from the very examples we see, and as we endeavor to apply those wise principles to ourselves and our fraternity, it is important to understand that the future is firmly established by our actions today. Thus, our dedication and duty to each other, our commitment and sacrifice for a just and right cause are the very ingredients necessary for our future success.
Let’s briefly examine the process we each must undergo and understand, to be a successful contributor to progress.
First comes awareness. We must inquire and understand what the mission, cause or results of anything that we choose to participate. Business makes job assignments, with measurements of success. As a fraternity, we must mutually understand and align our mission and goals. Ultimately, we are to help our members improve themselves and hold each other accountable to be the example of a successful life. Are we delivering the programs and activities to help all of our members perfect themselves and desire to be part of our lodge and fraternity?
Next comes analysis of the facts and details. Only with analysis and alignment can we as a fraternity, make progress. All too often, we fail at this point and emotion rules instead of solid and steady facts. What does your lodge need to be successful? Why? Do your members agree with the priorities and critical factors for success? See Articles 1 – 5 from 2015 as the basis to gather and share the facts and data about your Lodge current situation and future direction?
Again we should ask ourselves, are we performing our Duty and are we Dedicated to our Lodge, our Fraternity and to each other? Our actions will show if we believe we will be successful or if apathy will determine our Lodge Future. This is personal accountability to the Craft!
I continue to be excited about the future of our great fraternity! Many of our Brethren demonstrate their Dedication to Duty, with the very actions that they are leading for the future health and welfare of our great fraternity! “Duty is with us always!” Dedication and sacrifice demonstrate how we give of ourselves to performance of duty.
RW and Ill. Bro. Logan remains as an inspiration to so many because of his Dedication and Duty that we have witnessed for many years. May we pursue his example of Dedication and Duty!
BACKGROUND: Leadership will determine to our Long Term Success.
ISSUES: Has your Lodge completed your LTSP? (Long Term Strategic Plan)
NEEDS: Are your Lodge Officers leading the craft with effective plans?
It has been the strategic focus of the Lodge of the Future series to inform and challenge our Lodge Leadership and membership to consider the future of your Lodge. We have focused on working to supply tools for the Lodges to determine where you are today and where you will be in the future.
This Lesson plan is to challenge each Lodge and the current officers to determine if you are doing your duty and are dedicated to a plan for the future. Again this is not an option if you are an officer, it is a Duty.
APPLICATION: Implementation of your Lodge of the Future Plan.
Step One: Review the data gathered from your research of your membership ( Lesson Plan 1 and 2 - Masonic Light 6/2015 and 8/2015 respectively )
Step Two: Worshipful Masters should review your Committee appointments and Ritual Assignments to see if you have delegated to more members? Are these proficient in their performance? ( Lesson Plan 3 – Masonic Light 10/2015 )
Step Three: Has your Lodge reviewed your Income and Expense and implemented a budget for 2016? How is your Lodge performing to budget? ( Lesson Plan 4 – Masonic Light 12/2015.) Do you review your budget versus actual spending with your members at your meetings?
Step Four: Have you improved the Masonic Education program for your Lodge? Do members acknowledge that Masonic Education is an important part of the meeting? ( Lesson Plan 5 – Masonic Light 2/2016 )
Step Five: Are you ready to assess your Lodge Progress? Every Worshipful Master and Officers should be prepared to share your progress with the Lodge Members. Can you see and feel the difference in your Lodge and mark the progress over the last year? It is never too late to start the journey, but it is never too early to plan and communicate with your members!
Brethren, it is great to be a Freemason and you can access the previous lesson plans from our website at www.scgrandlodgeafm.com under the resource tab or contact me at [email protected].