The Lodge of the Future – The Year in Review!
IT IS GREAT TO BE A FREEMASON! HOW IS YOUR LODGE DOING? As we conclude our first year of the Lodge of the Future Series, it is a great time to review and evaluate how the program has worked for you and your Lodge. We also need to review how our Grand Lodge has worked to identify, create, and elevate the Lodge experience for all of our members. Since Grand Lodge, your Officers have had numerous opportunities to address the Future Path your Lodge will take to improve member engagement and develop a plan for the future. We have offered 5 Lesson Plans for your use to better engage members. Your Grand Lodge has held a new format Instructional Meeting program, where over 2000 Lodge officers attended and the Worshipful Masters Workshop has been presented. Again, I believe that fear is the most crippling attitude that must be removed from our thinking, before our Fraternity can progress and continue to improve our Masonic Experience for our current and future members!
If you have yet to discuss the first 5 “Lodge of the Future” Lesson Plans and Lodge Education Topics, you may find these at www.scgrandlodgeafm.org under the Resources Tab. We offered a lesson plan to review your Lodge membership statistics, how you can plan for the next 10 years. Lesson 2 covered new ways to engage your membership to keep them informed and actively involved. Lesson 3 was designed to highlight the Leadership needs for your Lodge, is your Lodge prepared to pass the reigns to the next generations? Lesson 4 focused on the financial future of your Lodge. Essentially the two way to sustain your Lodge is with increased membership and reduce membership losses, viz, NPD’s. Lesson 5 was focused on raising the bar on your Lodge Masonic Education and creating more value for your members. Finally your Grand Lodge is implementing a new membership program that will take our communication with Lodges to an entirely new level and allow us to stay in touch with all of our members. Your help will be integral in maximizing the effectiveness of this program. You will hear more at Grand Lodge about this exciting new program. Use these focused lesson plans for enhanced education, analysis and discussion in your Lodge, and thus prepare for your Lodge of the Future Implementation Plan.
The final major issue that has come up is the issue of Lodge Safety, which includes the recent Edict from Most Worshipful Brother Rogers. Lodge Safety includes dealing with the perimeter and how to control entrances before, during and after our meetings. It includes total safety for our members and guests as they visit our lodges. It is a new focus for our Worshipful Masters and Lodges to consider. I support the concept of a Safety Committee to engage all aspects of Lodge Safety for our members and visitors.
Finally Gentlemen, let us prepare for a successful Grand Lodge, I hope to see you there!
BACKGROUND: Our Lodge Future depends upon our implementation of great plans.
ISSUES: Will our Lodge be successful beyond 2020?
NEEDS: Freemasonry is a multi – generational experience! We need to deliver more value to all members. that will enhance their knowledge and understanding of themselves and their relationship with other men and God. How will your Lodge implement and share your Masonic Education program?
FACTS: Lead a discussion with the members at your meeting to address the following;
1. What is your current Lodge Membership?
a. How many members do you have beginning 2016?
b. How many new members were raised, reinstated or affiliated in 2015?
c. How many members deceased, dropped NPD or Demitted?
d. How many members are dues paying versus life members?
2. What does your Lodge do to Engage Your Members?
a. How many members attend your meetings? Business Meetings? Specials?
b. What does your Lodge do to improve your meetings? Education? Dinners?
c. What does your Lodge do to communicate regularly with your members?
d. How does your Lodge stay in touch with your older members?
3. How does your Lodge develop Future Leaders?
a. How often does your Lodge “recycle” Worshipful Masters and Wardens?
b. How quickly does your Lodge Set the New Members to Work?
c. How does your Lodge teach your newest members the workings of the Lodge?
d. How many members serve on active Lodge Committees?
e. Does your Lodge call on committees for reports at each meeting?
4. Financial Planning is an important to the Lodge of the Future.
a. What are your annual Lodge Expenses?
b. What is your annual revenue and from what sources?
c. Is your Lodge ready for a major expense, like a new roof or HVAC?
d. How much does your Lodge have in savings and or investments?
5. How does your Lodge deliver Masonic Education to your members?
a. Do you have an active Masonic Education Committee?
b. How do your members rate your Lodge Masonic Education?
c. Does your Masonic Education provide enlightenment to your members?
Please take time to have the discussion about what your Lodge will be in the Future.
Gentlemen, if your Grand Lodge Officers or your Masonic Education Committee be of assistance please contact us through the Grand Lodge office or your District Deputy Grand Master!