Financial Leadership Beyond 2020
Happy Holidays to all of you and may you recount your richest blessings from this year! We have much to be thankful and much more yet to accomplish in the coming year! I wish you peace, joy and happiness in 2016!
Brethren, we now engage the need for Financial Leadership, as we begin our ensuing Masonic year with new leaders and officers as our next Masonic Education topic. If you have not yet discussed the first 3 lessons in the "Lodge of the Future" series of Lesson Plans and Lodge Education Topics, you may find these at www.scgrandlodgeafm.org under the Resources Tab.
Lesson 4. Financial Leadership and Stability.
Recently, Most Worshipful, William B. Rogers, asked me, MW Gerald Carver, PGM and MW G. Kent Elkins, PGM to form an Insurance Committee and investigate the status of insurance coverage for our Lodges in South Carolina. Preliminary results from our survey, which was sent to all Lodges, have found that a significant number Lodges do not have insurance nor the financial stability to address the risks. This will continue increase unless we sincerely address our financial future and planning.
From the travels of our Grand Lodge officers, District Deputy Reports and discussions, it is obvious that we need to address our financial future and plan for success.
Is it possible we have neglected to effectively plan for the financial of our Lodge?
Solid Financial Leadership is a critical item for us to consider for the Lodge of the Future and requires a consistent long term approach to our income and expense, while planning for future needs that the lodge will encounter. As an example, in our survey the average Lodge is nearly 50 years and the roof ages averaged over 20 years and indicates major expense coming to many Lodges in the next 5 -10 years. Will we have to live with patches, pass the hat or begin to plan forward?
Also you need to determine if your members are at risk by not being incorporated. If your Lodge has a legal issue in the coming years, your incorporation can protect your officers and members. This is also a critical issue to review and determine your best path forward
Finally brethren, this is both difficult and necessary to engage with the membership of your lodge. We all want our lodges to be successful and being financially sound will lay a solid foundation for the future and also allow us to advance toward being a successful Lodge of the Future! Come to your instructional meetings for more information.
BACKGROUND: Effective Financial Planning is key to long term sustainability
ISSUES: Leadership and Planning will be required to sustain our Future Success!
NEEDS: Freemasonry in multi – generational experience! We need to provide for the coming generation of family and friend who will come to Freemasonry due to our influence and protect our investment in history and fraternity. How can your Lodge improve your financial position? How will your Lodge address this responsibility to all your members?
FACTS: Lead a discussion with the members at your meeting to address the following;
1. What are the current sources of income for your Lodge?
a. Dues ( paying membership )
b. Donations from Life Members
c. Contributions
d. Fund Raisers
e. Fees
f. Interest Income from investments?
g. Other Sources ( Bequests, Honorary Perpetual Life Memberships, etc,)
2. What are your current Lodge Expenses?
a. Operational Costs, ( Utilities, Food, Rent, )
b. Insurance ( Review your coverages and your assets and your risk )
c. Per Capita Expense
d. Food
3. Discuss your near term and longer term maintenance needs.
4. Assign committees to get these answers and report to the lodge.
5. Calculate your budget for 2016 and estimate with the next 5 years
Will your income cover your expenses?
Will you have any to add to investments or savings?
Will you need to address your dues to put your lodge of better financial position?
Is your Lodge incorporated? Reduce your personal and membership risk profile.
Finally, using the details of this exercise will allow you to share a logical and sound financial position for your members to consider if dues increases are necessary!
Financial Leadership Beyond 2020
Happy Holidays to all of you and may you recount your richest blessings from this year! We have much to be thankful and much more yet to accomplish in the coming year! I wish you peace, joy and happiness in 2016!
Brethren, we now engage the need for Financial Leadership, as we begin our ensuing Masonic year with new leaders and officers as our next Masonic Education topic. If you have not yet discussed the first 3 lessons in the "Lodge of the Future" series of Lesson Plans and Lodge Education Topics, you may find these at www.scgrandlodgeafm.org under the Resources Tab.
Lesson 4. Financial Leadership and Stability.
Recently, Most Worshipful, William B. Rogers, asked me, MW Gerald Carver, PGM and MW G. Kent Elkins, PGM to form an Insurance Committee and investigate the status of insurance coverage for our Lodges in South Carolina. Preliminary results from our survey, which was sent to all Lodges, have found that a significant number Lodges do not have insurance nor the financial stability to address the risks. This will continue increase unless we sincerely address our financial future and planning.
From the travels of our Grand Lodge officers, District Deputy Reports and discussions, it is obvious that we need to address our financial future and plan for success.
Is it possible we have neglected to effectively plan for the financial of our Lodge?
Solid Financial Leadership is a critical item for us to consider for the Lodge of the Future and requires a consistent long term approach to our income and expense, while planning for future needs that the lodge will encounter. As an example, in our survey the average Lodge is nearly 50 years and the roof ages averaged over 20 years and indicates major expense coming to many Lodges in the next 5 -10 years. Will we have to live with patches, pass the hat or begin to plan forward?
Also you need to determine if your members are at risk by not being incorporated. If your Lodge has a legal issue in the coming years, your incorporation can protect your officers and members. This is also a critical issue to review and determine your best path forward
Finally brethren, this is both difficult and necessary to engage with the membership of your lodge. We all want our lodges to be successful and being financially sound will lay a solid foundation for the future and also allow us to advance toward being a successful Lodge of the Future! Come to your instructional meetings for more information.
BACKGROUND: Effective Financial Planning is key to long term sustainability
ISSUES: Leadership and Planning will be required to sustain our Future Success!
NEEDS: Freemasonry in multi – generational experience! We need to provide for the coming generation of family and friend who will come to Freemasonry due to our influence and protect our investment in history and fraternity. How can your Lodge improve your financial position? How will your Lodge address this responsibility to all your members?
FACTS: Lead a discussion with the members at your meeting to address the following;
1. What are the current sources of income for your Lodge?
a. Dues ( paying membership )
b. Donations from Life Members
c. Contributions
d. Fund Raisers
e. Fees
f. Interest Income from investments?
g. Other Sources ( Bequests, Honorary Perpetual Life Memberships, etc,)
2. What are your current Lodge Expenses?
a. Operational Costs, ( Utilities, Food, Rent, )
b. Insurance ( Review your coverages and your assets and your risk )
c. Per Capita Expense
d. Food
3. Discuss your near term and longer term maintenance needs.
4. Assign committees to get these answers and report to the lodge.
5. Calculate your budget for 2016 and estimate with the next 5 years
Will your income cover your expenses?
Will you have any to add to investments or savings?
Will you need to address your dues to put your lodge of better financial position?
Is your Lodge incorporated? Reduce your personal and membership risk profile.
Finally, using the details of this exercise will allow you to share a logical and sound financial position for your members to consider if dues increases are necessary!