Lesson 5. Enhanced Masonic Education
Recently, Most Worshipful, William B. Rogers and RW Bro. William R. Logan and I were discussing the lack of quality Masonic Education in some of our Lodges. All too often Masonic Education in the Lodge is considered risky business to our Lodge officers, when most members, especially our youngest members, are literally begging for more from their Masonic Experience. Why? Perhaps it is a lack of confidence in leading an educational topic or a genuine fear of displeasing our members with any changes. I contend that it is our duty to further enlighten our members and create a desire to learn more and improve ourselves in Freemasonry.
Is it possible that your Lodge has become complacent about Masonic Education? If so, it is time to lead an effective educational program each month. By offering a l0-15 minute program each month, you will create a new experience every month for your members. Vary the programs by delegating to your officers and members, including new members to encourage more research, or have a young member interview a Past Master and share a presentation about his Masonic experience and history. You will be amazed by what you and your younger members will learn. Alternate between history, symbolism, current topics, and consider having a guest speaker on occasion for a special event.
Many resources are available for your use with Grand Lodge Publications, including Masonic Light, Ahiman Rezon and our Educational materials, Masonic Service Association of North America Publication, Scottish Rite Master Craftsman Program called “The Symbolic Lodge”, Video programs and the “Transactions” from South Carolina Masonic Research Society.
If you have not yet discussed the first 4 lessons in the “Lodge of the Future” series of Lesson Plans and Lodge Education Topics, you may find these at www.scgrandlodgeafm.org under the Resources Tab. Use these for enhanced education, analysis and discussion in your Lodge.
Finally Gentlemen, remember that we learn best from each other so offer to share your experience and your Lodge History with your members. Many great Freemasons have passed through your Doors. Document and share your Lodge history before it passes another generation.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Michael D. Smith
Senior Grand Warden